We Met Again(Finchel)

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Rachel's POV

I never told anyone about Finn,neather Kurt,my best friend, what we had was a "summer love" and nothing else,it happened last summer we saw each other every day,it started at a bar.


I was at the bar when I saw a tall handsome man drinking a beer,he was with some friends and the way he laughed made me smile,I had to talk to him,but how? I decided that I will be closer to him so he talks to me first. And that is what I did,finally he pat my sholder and said,

"Hey,im Finn"

"Rachel" I said shaking his hand

"Can I buy you a drink?" He said pointing the bar

"Yes sure,thank you" I said and smiled

"Hey Jack"he said to the man that worked there

"Can you give to this beautiful lady some..." He said waiting for me to tell him what I wanted

"Just a small beer" I wasn't very fan of alcohol

Jack gave me the drink and Finn and I sat down and started talking

"So Rachel,tell me about you"

"Emm well I have two gay dads,I live here in New York with 2 roommates and I study in NYADA,what about you?"

"Well I live her too,I only have a mom and I study in NYU"he said very proud

"What about your dad?"

"He passed away in the army when I was just a couple of months old"

"Finn im so sorry I had no idea"

"Its okay"

After that we talked about everything,until he drop the question(no he didn't ask me to marry him)

"Rachel,do you have a boyfriend?"

"No,and you? I mean,do you have a girlfriend?"


And with that he kissed me,I know that we just met but I kissed but and it end up as a makeout session,I pulled away and said

"I have to go but,this is my number" I said as I held him the paper with my number

*End of flashback*

And with that all started,I have to admit that it was the best summer of my life,until the last day of course,I never thought I will see Finn again.Until today.

I woke up at 7:00am,brushed my teeth,had breakfast,the typical routine until Kurt called me

"Hey Kurt"

"Good morning"He sound happy

"What's up?"

"Well my dad had been dating a woman,her name is Carole and they are getting married!"

"Kurt! That's great!"

"Yeah,well Carole has a son and I will met him tomorrow,I saw a picture of him and he is very handsome,you should come to"

"Haha,okay I'll go"

"Great! I will text you the ditails"

"Bye Kurt"

Honestly I don't want to be with another guy,I miss Finn a lot,but we are not getting back together.

*The next day*(Still Rachel's POV) *At Starbucks*

"He should be here in 5 minutes" Kurt said exited

"Kurt I dont know if I want to date him"

"Come on Rachel,give him a chance at least"Kurt said"Oh! There he is!"



Hope you like it,vote comment and keep reading :)

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