Chapter 3

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Rachel's POV

I've been crying all day,I can't believe I saw him again,just when I got over him,he came back in my life and,I still love him,a lot,but I can't be with him,after what he did to me.


"So summer is over tomorrow" I said in a sad tone

"Yeah"He said also sad

"What about us?"I asked

"I don't know"

"Do you love me?"I asked

"I don't know...I mean yes,but I don't know if we can stay together"

"Why?"I said a little angry and cofused

"Because,I don't know if I can stick to one woman"

"WHAT THE HELL?"I yelled

"Im sorry,im not the "Dating for long" type"

"Well you should have told me that when we started dating,if I knew this I wouldn't be with you!"

"Why?"he asked inocently

"Because you are manwhore"

And with that I left,I didn't noticed that they were tears in my eyes,I can't believe after this amazing summer we had,everything went down,im never going to see him again.

*End of flashback*

I heard a knock on the door,I yelled come in because I know it will be Kurt or Santana.

"Rachel! Why you went away like that? Its something wrong with Finn?"Kurt asked

"No,I had to go"I lied

"Come on Rachel dont lie to me"Kurt said

And at that moment I broke down in Kurt's arms

"Shh,im here for you,dont cry"Kurt said rubbing my back

Hey everyonee✌️Im so so sorry I didn't update in a long time,i've been busy with school,but here it is😊 i know it is short,is more like a filter,Hope you like it,vote and comment😘If you have any suggestions feel free to send them,


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