If I Could

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If I could
I would forget you.

Forget the hours we spent talking,
forget the way you said my name.

If I could,
I would go back in time;
stop the message from sending,
stop the pain.

If I could,
I would tell you I love you,
I need you,
I'm sorry.

If I could,
I would never forgive them,
their empty apologies,
their hateful words.

If I could,
I would stop talking to you,
stop saying hello,
stop from having to say goodbye.

If I could,
I would ignore you,
your words,
your eyes.

If I could,
I would say I don't need you,
I'm okay without you,
that I will be better off.

If I could,
I would do all of these things.

Do every one,
do all of these.

But I'm just me.
I can't forget you,

I can't go back in time;
I couldn't stop the message from sending.
I can't tell you I love you,
I can't tell you I need you.

We aren't together anymore.
I can't say I'm sorry anymore;
I can't stop talking to you;
I can't ignore you,
or say I'm okay.

I'm only me;
I can't stop the pain;
I have to say goodbye.

if I could,
you know that I would.

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