Please stay

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Do you see me
when I'm searching for you?
Do you hear me
when I'm calling for you?
Can you feel me
when I'm reaching for you?

Because I swear
every time you open your arms
I can feel you.

Every time you call for me
I hear you.

And every time you search for me,
I see you.

I know you are there.
And I know that I
Want to be with you.

Say that we will stay,
Forever this way.
Together this way,

Please stay.

And please don't ever say
You don't want to be with me.

Because I know that you said forever,
And forever is where I wanna be--
If I can be there with you.

Please stay.

Stay here;
Be here.

Because I know that I know that I
Want to be with you.
Say that we will stay
Forever this way.
Together this way.

Please stay.

I don't wanna wake up one day
To see you've gone.
I don't wanna say,
"I remember the day you walked away."

So please stay.
Stay here.
Stay with me.

Promise you'll love me.
Because you said forever
and forever is ours.

Just promise me you'll stay.

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