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Much like cheating,
cutting must be hidden.
The blade must be sharp,
and across the skin it has ridden.

Skin tears apart,
blood comes out to say hello.
Get your scissors
to cut the strings off the cello.


We all have our own.
Stay quiet and don't let them grow;
tears being soaked in your pillow's down.


Keep your secrets;
I'll keep mine.
Know your limits.
Know your time.

This is the point where
I draw the line.

Don't cross it—
I have a knife
ready to cut,
ready to slit.


They destroy relationships.
You better know your weaknesses
before I find them all.


Keep your secrets;
I'll keep mine.
Know your limits.
Know your time.

What will it take
for you to keep your peace?
Will it take death—
to be strangled by a leash?

Shut up.

Turn around.
Look up and climb
your "problems" mound.


We all have them;
We all know what happens
when you can't
keep   them.


Keep your secrets; 
I'll keep mine.
Know your limits.
Know your time.

Keep your secrets,
or die telling.


Keep your secrets,
no one cares.
Know your limits,
or you're bound to fall.

Keep your secrets;
I'll keep mine.
Know your limits.
Know your time.

You couldn't keep them.
You crossed the line.
Knife to throat—

Any last words?

Any more secrets
you can't take to your grave?

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