4. The Guys POV

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I heard new maid will come today, will she be last longer than the last one? I hope she is my age so I can get comfy with her. Having older people is okay too, but I can't ask her around.
*door opening*. Speaking of the devils, you said inside. Once the door opened, you see a shorter figure behind your bulky-tall manager.

She have a very fair skin, monolid eyes and not too big, pinkish plump lips, black hair below the shoulder. You opened your eyes wide and greet her friendly. Shoot, now you see that she have quite a cup, maybe C ? Or D? She wears a v cut black shirt highlighting her fair skin. She is not very slim but her proportion is good. She must be good to be my pillow. She is not smiling and looks a bit cocky, stay-away-from-me-face rather than rude, but look! she blushed after my compliment. She is so cute !

Jungkook's POV
Tae hyung seems excited about the new maid, he even complimented her, lets see.
Hmm, her skin looks so soft. She is maybe around 160cm? cute. But she got a huge rack there. Awesome. You almost choked your popcorn, when her cleavage got slightly exposed from the black v neck shirt as she tried to take off her shoes.
You think she is older than you, but you gonna act cool. Slight nod without much talk should gives her mysterious feels, right?

Jin's POV
I am making a simple snacks as I was gotten hungry, then I see m/n hyung come in with somebody behind. I hope this one last longer.

Namjoon's POV
m/n hyung said that the new maid is cute, he message me as soon as he went down to the lobby. When I heard unlocked door sound, I walk to the hallway to greet her but my clumsy foot hits the edge of the sofa left me with low hiss and makes me rubs it fast to get the pain away. I heard Taehyung said something to her and I think she is coming this way, so I pull a normal-face and hide the lingering pain for the good first impression. Glad I prepared for get together later now, I had my hair done, black turtle neck, tight black pants, leather jacket. I must look sexy.
I greet her normally, shoot, she is petite and cute but sexy at the same times. Her neck is so tempting, it shows slight muscle as she talk. Her collarbone isn't deep but seems strong. Makes me want to taste it. She seems to be very nervous but I like it more. *smirk*

Suga's POV
I was about to play the piano but then a guest has come. Ah right, the new maid. I wish she does her job well and good at being quiet. She seems polite, calm and collected for girl her age.

Hoseok's POV
Well, Jimin certainly make a huge ass impression on y/n. She must been in shock to see a naked guy right in front of her face, well I'm about to help her but Tae was faster so I just stand here yelling at Jimin to get dressed. Y/n is a bit trembling, I can see her hand shaky. It's not usual for Jimin to come out naked tho. Weird. Did he planning something?

Jimin's POV
I asked m/n hyung about the new maid, he then told that she is my age and pretty cute. I wonder what should I do to get her attention. Okay, I admit I like to get the attention, it feels great! What is wrong with it, so long I didn't hurt anyone. Debating myself.

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