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Beep, beep, beep. An alarm is going off somewhere in the darkness. Then a shrieking voice breaks through the calm black veil of morning sleep. "Jacob!" the voice scratches, "Shut that thing off!" A hand reaches out from the darkness and slams down onto the button at the top of the alarm clock. The hand then picks up the clock and brings into the unknown. The red glow of the numbers shines onto the young man's face. He groans and reads the time - 6:30. The alarm clock then gets gently placed back onto the table; he just lays in bed and stares at the ceiling. A few moments pass of just contemplating the need and the desire to go to school.

"Is it really that important?" Eventually he gets up to get ready for his day. Normal morning nothing unusual, he gathers his things close to the door of the bedroom. He pulls a book from his bookshelf, running his hands over the cover and the spine. He flips to a page which seemed pre-marked and takes out an old newspaper clipping of Captain America. It reads "Captain America and the Avengers Defeat the Alien Invasion." Sighing he takes the newspaper clipping and places it back into the book; and puts it in his bag. Walking out of his room he takes his keys, I.D., and an apple from the table. He opens the front door and heads outside, it's a fall day, the leaves have started falling but it wasn't cold enough to wear a coat. As Jacob says "Perfect sweater weather."
Walking to school Jacob sees his neighbors struggling to get their car started. The man is looking into the hood and is trying to fiddle with the engine. "What a piece of junk." Jacob sees the wife in the passenger's seat looking very worried, she's on the phone with someone. Jacob looks at the car and blinks; the car begins to hum with life. With a smile, Jacob begins to walk again down the street to the bus, he sees the man and the woman drive away. There's supposedly some test to be administered today and Jacob just wants everything to be over with. "Midterm exams were last week, how many damn tests do they expect us to take?"

Jacob waits for the bus and steps on when it comes. He pays and notices that his friend Kiara is also on the bus. He had met Kiara two years ago when he saw her fall on the bus, they've since become very good friends. He heads to where she's sitting and sits down next to her.

"Oh so you've finally decided to go to school early huh? After like a whole year of almost being late," Jacob sarcastically quips.

Kiara wrinkles her nose and squints her eyes at him under her mahogany framed lenses. "Stfu bitch, I'owneed your sass," she retorts. Jacob laughs as he looks out the window of the opposite side of the bus, he watches as the streets go by. The bus was a relaxing time for him so they both knew that the talking was usually minimalistic.

Minutes pass as they enjoy their stay on the bus heading toward the school. "PUNCH BUG YELLOW!" Jacob yells and lands a punch directly on Kiara's thigh. She reaches down to soothe the pain of the punch. "Watch, next time I see one I'm going to punch you right in the nuts," Kiara threatens Jacob as she rubs her sore leg. Jacob sees that she's also eyeing the road in hopes of searching for a Volkswagen so he turns his torso at a forty-five degree angle away from her. "Uh huh now you gon' start turning? If I punch you there," pointing to his lower stomach now, "it's going to be the same effect," Kiara teases, but almost menacingly. Jacob shows a cheesy grin of knowing and almost daring her to. "That's funny because I know where one is, it's my neighborhood." They ride the rest of the way to the school, it's mostly quiet not much talking or noise for that matter. "Don't worry Jacob, you're gonna do fine on this test," Kiara says holding up the "ok" sign with her fingers.

Two legs walk down the hallway, high top black sneakers and dark blue skinny jeans trudge and almost drag across the floor. The legs are attached to a boy, Elijah Mars it's apparent that he had very little sleep the night before. Dark circles form under his eyes and his eyelids droop, fortunately it's not easy to tell as the hood and the long black hair cover his face. He brushes his hair out of his eyes because he hates the feeling, most of it conglomerates on the sides of his head poking out from the dark grey hood like ebony clumps of silk, messily grouped together.

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