We Are

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He turns leaving a space to go through the door, "If you would please proceed to the next room." The kids look around to each other, Jacob and Elijah meet eye and Elijah simply shrugs. They single file walk through the door, Elijah walks behind Kiara as they walk to their destination. The room is filled with many adults who are speaking to each other and do not notice the trio. At least, not until the door slams shut and the gazes rocket right to them.

"Please, take a seat," the man instructs while gesturing to a few chairs, "I'm sure you're beginning to understand why we have detained you in that room." The kids walk to their seats and look nervously towards each other, more worry is apparent on Elijah and Jacob's faces Instinctively, Kiara sits between both boys. Everyone in the room waits for a reply from the young adults, but none is ever given. A woman then speaks up, the same woman who directed Elijah to his line for testing.

"As you know, a nation wide test has been administered today. However, what we kept from public knowledge is the specifics of the test, parents only knew it was was a physical test," she pauses and studies their faces, "a test which would tell us those who possess an enhanced trait."

Jacob straightens himself and speaks up, "You mean superpowers. Like the X-Men." Elijah turns to him eyes widening, "Hey, don't get em mad!" Upon hearing the name of the team, the adults in the room begin to murmur amongst themselves. Jacob realizes his mistake in saying the name and sinks back into his chair.

The man who lead them to this room speaks and everyone begins to quiet down, "Yes, like mutants, but no that isn't what you are. Due to the Inhumans leaving the planet some time ago and taking all active members with them, while very unlikely, we believe you and Mr. Mars are Inhuman. You said that you have had your powers since you could remember, which doesn't fit the description of a mutant. Usually mutants develop their powers when they start puberty. Ms. Monroe, who possesses this gene, is more likely to be one."

"Excuse me? I hit puberty like two years ago," Kiara snaps, her face usually in a smile is much more serious.

"It does not have to be exactly when puberty hits." The man calmly responds, he looks to the other adults in the room and back to the trio. "So why am I here?" Kiara demands. The man doesn't answer.. Elijah does his best to hide his paranoia, but because of his belligerent nature his curiosity got the better of him, "W-what does that mean is gonna happen now?"

"Right now," the man says, "We give you a choice. We are offering you a chance to learn how to use your powers and put them to good use.... There is a war going on... This world is out of heroes in a time it needs them the most. We're hoping you three would agree to take part in a new generation to stop this threat. We know this is a lot to take in but the world is in dire need of a miracle; right now you three are part of that miracle."

Kiara scrunches her face, "No. You're hilarious, this is some joke." The man looks directly at Kiara, "I assure you Ms. Monroe, this is no joke. We have your blood samples from the test and we have determined you three as having these traits." Kiara crosses her arms in frustration as Jacob smiles. Although blaming the government for why all the world's greatest heroes are gone, this is something he's always wanted. "I'll do it," he states trying to contain his excitement. "I'm glad it doesn't take much coxing for you to join the team Mr. Green. But know this, when agreeing to this mission, you risk your lives and the lives of others. You need to be absolutely sure you want to do this; your parents have signed off on it but it's your choice in the end."

"Jacob what do you think you're doing? War? You're not allowed to leave me like that. Plus our parents would never have said yes to something like this. This guy is full of shit," Kiara whispers to Jacob but he doesn't respond to what she says. Jacob thinks for a moment before finally speaking, "I know the risks. But we're the only three kids out of the whole school who have powers. I'm not sure the numbers of 'enhanced' people are great right now." Jacob looks to each of the people's faces and to the two sitting next to him and smiles. "And I know not everyone will agree to practically giving up their life, but I do. 'We have no choice. So we fight -- and we win. There are no other options.' I want to do this." Kiara looks at him in disbelief.

Elijah straightens up from his slouched position on the chair and claps his hands. "Well said, I'm in too." He turns to Kiara and Jacob and lets out a big grin for them to see, the first time they've seen this as he doesn't smile much. "Jacob I don't like this... Are you sure about this?" Kiara murmurs to him only. He looks at her "We have to do what's right. Don't we?"

Kiara shifts her position in the chair. "I swear to god if I die I'm going to be so pissed off." Jacob and Elijah turn to her, "Does that mean you're coming too?" Kiara still with her stern face looks at the two at different times. "Of course I'm coming, how am I going to just let you go on your own like that. You dumb butts would die without me. But if this isn't real and we end up dead, I promise that I will haunt your ass in the afterlife and remind you that this was your fault." She turns to look at the man with fire in her eyes, " I want you to understand something, we all make it out of this alive, understood? If not and I make it out of here without Jacob or Elijah you will pay for this and I will personally see to it that every person on your board feels a hell much worse than they could imagine. I promise you. You do not want to feel my wrath, so you better hope and pray that either we all die together if someone dies or that at least I do."

The trio look at the man and he looks back at them and smiles "Great, we're going to be traveling soon. We'll take you kids home to gather a week's worth of stuff and so you can speak with your families. But all of you must return to the school no later than 6:30."

Jacob is in his room gathering clothes when he feels his mom's presence in his doorway. Turning to her, he states "I'll be okay mom." Jacob's mom can't help but worry for him every time he leaves the house, even if it's for an hour. "I'll call you everyday and text you when you wake up." Her eyes have tears in them. "Okay, mom. Can I finish packing now, alone?" His mom gives him a sad look, "I just wish you didn't have to go. I wish they would tell me where they're taking you. No, you know what? You're not going. I'll go talk to the president if I have to." She starts to pull out her phone. Jacob sits on his bed and says, "You can't ma. They can arrest me now knowing I have powers. Besides, they need me. It's something I have to do." He sees the worry on her face hasn't gone away. "I'm seventeen. I'll be eighteen in less than a year, so I'd be leaving soon anyways. I'll be okay." She goes over to him, hugs him, and kisses his cheek "I love you." Through his facade of uninterest, he starts to break down a bit as well. "I love you too mom." She walks out and he goes to close his door.

Jacob puts all his clothes in his bag and then goes digging underneath his bed, looking for something. He pulls out a second phone he found a while ago, the one he uses to test his powers. He goes into his bookbag and takes out his newspaper clipping, he folds it up and puts it in his jeans pocket. He zips his bag shut, and checks the time. "5:45." So he grabs his favorite coat, and opens his door.

Elijah walks into his house door using the key he rarely uses, and trudges to his room. He should be happy, he's going to be spending time away from this place and from school, "piece of cake." He starts packing his bag, folding and placing things where they should belong, his system was complex to others but simple to him. He makes sure to bring his charger, comb, and deodorant. He's already wearing a sweater so assumes he'd be fine not bringing anything else. He gets a text from his mom, but he texts back that he will call her in the car on the way back to the school, she couldn't be there because she lives two hours away. And just as Elijah packs his last thing into his bag, a shadow fills the doorway.

"They say you're one of the only ones who could do this," the voice starts. Elijah doesn't look at the person, he knows who it is; he unzips his bag and makes sure he has gathered everything he needs again. "Yeah that is what they say." Elijah zips the bag up again and turns to face the man, his father. "I wouldn't've signed you up if I didn't think you could do it," tears start to fill his eyes, "I am proud of you Elijah." But Elijah's emotional state doesn't change, he simply stares back at the man. He's heard this before, and nothing's ever changed. Elijah grabs a beanie he's had on the table and starts to head out, "We both know you don't want me here, so that's why I'm leaving. I don't want to be here either." He doesn't say this. "Miss you too dad," he says faking emotion as he walks out of the front door and into the car which brought him here.

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