A Team

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The sun shines bright, noon, people crowd into a large room which resembles a gym; there about twenty to thirty of what look like students in an auditorium. A constant chatter fills the room like an overflowing container. Jacob looks around at the faces of people, some are worried, some are carefree but there is an air of uneasiness throughout the room. He looks to his left; Elijah stands with his eyes closed and his headphones on. He looks to his right; Kiara impatiently taps her foot on the ground. Elijah turns to Jacob and Kiara, "Guys, I'm bored. Like literally bored, like bored out of my mind." The other two look at him, Jacob, unsure of how to reply says, "Umm.." Kiara turns to them, "Yeah, me too."

With a flash Elijah manifests a bouncy ball, he then begins to bounce the ball onto the floor. As Elijah bounces the ball Jacob asks the group, "How many people do you think are in here?" Elijah just gives a simple shrug in between bounces, the shrug made Jacob feel out of place and he slowly starts to stop talking allowing the other two to do the talking for a while. Kiara doesn't know the answer either, but she is distracted by the faces in the gym to respond. She is looking over her shoulder and around other people to get a full view of everyone. No one talks, they just stare in different directions. What have we gotten ourselves into? The microphone squeals at the front of the room, the chatter dies down as the attention flows toward the sound. Agent Ward stands at the stage podium, he has no emotional response to the noise. "Sorry to keep you all waiting. We, the agency, needed time to prepare and organize. I would like to introduce the leader of the operation to talk to you all. Please welcome Ms. Hope Pym to the stage."

Agent Ward steps out of the way to allow a woman with a slender body to approach the podium. "Thank you Agent Ward. Some of you already know why are here, some will be learning for the first time today. We are at war. The country is facing a predicament we haven't seen in years. All of you are part of the solution."

Jacob whispers as quietly as he can to the group, "That's the daughter of the original Ant-Man!" Elijah shushes him and Kiara glares at him to be silent. Elijah leans in and whispers back, "That's pretty cool."

"We need your help to combat this threat, because at this moment, you are the only ones who can stop it. As you know, the act which banned superheroes had them register their DNA to be stopped if necessary. The group known as 'Iniquitous X' has gotten a hold of the technology designed to stop them and now they cannot help us. You, unregistered enhanced humans, can be the trump card which can win us this war. I will now pass this back to Mr. Ward so that he can explain what needs to be done in the weeks to come."

Ward walks up to podium as Hope walks towards the exit of the room. "To further elaborate on what Ms. Pym said, Iniquitous X is a group composed of many enhanced personal. Although not registered, through informants and other sources in the two weeks we have found the identity of some of the assailants. The few that we know of are as follows: Emelia Kahele, She has the ability to create small black holes. Addison Fujikawa, has robotic arms which can shoot out a numerous amount of wires. Carl Creel, is able to absorb any material and make that substance his skin. Herman Schultz, he possesses a highly advanced gauntlets that produce a great amount of electricity. And finally, Anton Vanko, he was able to get his hands on the technology of Tony Stark's arc reactor. Using his own made arc reactor, he was able to create his own suit that contain electrical whips that can reach great lengths. And recently, thanks to Mr. Matthew Murdock, we now know that Bullseye, Benjamin Poindexter, is also part of Iniquitous X. He has expert depth perception and superhuman aiming abilities. These men and women are not to be taken lightly. So far they have succeeded in killing major people on this country and outlasted many of its officials."

The trio look at each other, Elijah's headphones over the course of the speech have found their way around his neck, Jacob sits straight up trying to memorize the names and facts that are being presented, Kiara's foot tapping continues, but now out of sheer anxiety. The nervousness is starting to set into their hearts.

"Which leads me to the next point. Over the next two weeks you all will be training in preparation for this fight, and you will do it here at the facility. The people who you train with depend on the division you are put in. Each division will have three members, we have organized them so that you are with people you would be comfortable with. Usually those who come from the same city or town. I will call your names and list you into divisions now."

One by one, kids begin to stand and walk over to where Agent Ward directs them to. After six divisions have been filled, Elijah, Jacob, and Kiara are grouped into the seventh division. The three get up and move over. "Division seven. That's kinda anticlimactic right? I mean like were not the beginning or the end, we're just division seven," Elijah complains as they sit down together. Jacob looks at him and replies with, "What? Did you think we were special?" He gives Elijah a grin.

The days that followed proved to be rather uneventful. A lot more tests need to be taken before any training begun. Jacob walked into an empty white room hoping this was his final test. He's now wearing a gray jumpsuit that is meant to be there for basic needs: warmth, comfortability. Apparently this bodysuit was designed by Tony Stark, but how could Jacob know for sure? 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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