Forever Young ch.2

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Ch. 2 Suicide Attempt # 207

Staring down from the window of the place that used to comfort me, I test my chances, once again. “Maybe I should try some other ways...” I stare down at my arm, expecting to see scars to prove to myself that I still am human, I am annoyed to see again no trace of my failed suicides. No sign of the lethal concoctions, no sign of the cuttings, nothing. Just evidence of my failure. Sighing, I try Number 6 again: Jumping. This time, I try from the roof. Free-falling, I actually think that this time I might die and rejoin all the people I lost 2 years ago. Instead of feeling that hard, cold, mocking concrete underneath me, I feel someone. Now for one reason this is really weird, I can’t touch people without killing them. It happened that 1st day. As I was running out, a nurse tried to stop me.

“Hey! You’re not supposed to be out of your room!” she grabbed my arm and her eyes widening, I could sense that light radiating from me again as I stole her life.

As she fell to the floor, I stood there for a good 5 minutes in shock, wondering what happened. A group of nurses surrounded me and as I struggled to get away from them, one by one, they all fell to the floor, the same fate as the other who died seconds earlier. Running out of the hospital, I stared at my hands, to see what happened.

And that’s how it’s been these last 2 years. I’ve been avoiding people in fear of killing them and have become pretty depressed. That’s when my suicide attempts started. That’s why I was surprised. How am I feeling someone? And they’re not dying? Looking up, I saw a hooded figure with curly hair sticking out and it looked as if they were wearing gloves. White gloves, Sonic-style. I feel us lower to the ground, as if we were floating (?), and he (I think) lowers me to the ground, nods, and walks away as if he was never there. What was that? And how did he not die? I run towards him, like an idiot, shouting. “You! Over there! How did you-”

He grabs my arm and I think I see him glare from under his hood. “You have to protect yourself, Erin,” he says with a British accent and then lets go, walking off again.

“HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!” I scream at the top of my lungs. He just keeps walking and I head back to my house, my head lowered.

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