Forever Young ch.4

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Ch. 4 Harry Potter, I mean, Styles is one confusing...Harry XD

Reaching England, I forget all about the whole time differences and seeing the sun, I feel, in fact, like a vampire. It’s been so long since I went outside during the daytime. It’s too risky. I’ve already killed too many people. Shielding my face, I try to squint against the sun. Seeing me struggle, Harry takes off his hoodie and drapes it over my shoulders, putting the hood over my brown hair and shoves his hands back in his pocket, as if he never did anything. As I turn to thank him, and almost stop as I stare at his shirtless self. Abs. Abs. Abs. Abs. What’s his name again? All I’m reading is abs.

He does that cough that says “Excuse me” and I find myself blushing. “So since I’m guessing you forgot, this is England,” he says the last part slowly, nodding his head as if to a dog, which I would understand since my jaw is practically headed towards the Earth’s core. “And my name is Harry. Understand?”

I nod, slowly, keeping eye contact with the six pack.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and whispers “Stop drawing attention to us. We have a long time until you see the whole show,” he does that suggestive grin again and I feel my face reddening.

“Good to know,” I say through my giggles. “Ha-”

“Turn,” he forces me to turn left. Seeing my face, he says “People were passing by.”

“Oh,” I nod. When we are clear of people, we start walking again and I notice something, but I think it’s either my loopy or my lovesick mind telling me this, Harry seems to be enjoying his shirtlessness. “Harry?”

“Yeah?” he says, his smile apparent.

How to ask? “ you like...are you enjoying...hmm....”

“What are you trying to ask?”

A smile comes on my face as I look at him. “Your shirtlessness,” I finally say, trying to stop smiling as I stare at him.

“About it?” Yup. He does enjoy it.

“Never mind,” I look down, as a giggle like an idiot. Finally after many attempts of me trying to have a conversation with him, only to succumb to my girl tendencies, we reach a cemetery. I immediately feel at home, only wishing that it was night. I have to admit...Harry’s hoodie makes it a bit better. So maybe I’m trying hard not to sniff it like a drug addict, which is pretty hard. Walking through the cemetery, I realize 2 things. Harry and I are still holding hands and Harry is leading me somewhere in this cemetery. “Harry?”

He turns to me. “Erin?”

“Where are you showing me?”

Suddenly he stops in front of a somewhat average tombstone. I’ve seen some smaller and I’ve seen some bigger. After scanning a bit, I notice the lettering on it. ‘Liam James Payne’.

My eyebrow rises. “Liam? But-”

“It’s a long story....”


She nods, ready to hear, but I’m not that sure I want to tell her. From that 1st day, she’s already seen too much.

I look at her skeptically. “So what do you know about One Direction?”

“Not that much...” she thinks for a while. “I think I may have heard of Liam...there are 4 other members, right, including Liam?”

I nod. “He had health problems and one day, something happened, causing him to be in the hospital for a while, which made us cancel the tour we were having.”

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