Hugs and Fucks

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A/N This is some silly idea I had where Taika made the I'm here scene waaay gayer please don't hurt me

"If you were actually here I might give you a hug." Chris did a mental score as he got the line right. Now for the bit Tom kept messing up.

He threw the bottle topper in Toms direction which Tom would usually either miss the catch or drop it if he did catch it.

Tom caught it and did the signature Loki smirk. He smiled even more and grinned "Yes! Did you see that?! Did you see that?" He pointed to a person with a camera.

"Nice catch." Chris chuckled. 

The camera went back to Chris as Tom said his line.

"I'm here."

Now you might think thats where it ends but Taika had something else in mind, namely for the fangirls.

The camera moved back to show both Chris and Tom in the same shot.

Tom set the prop on a table as he walked towards Chris.

The camera zoomed in as the two embraced each other. 

Tom couldn't control himself and started laughing. The whole idea of these two characters hugging or being intimate in any way was funny to him.

"I'm sorry eheheh, let's try again."

The camera started to record again as the two hugged once more.

This time it was Chris to laugh, ruining the filming once more.

They were actually kind of glad to continually mess up. Laugh, hug awkwardly, accidentally step on the others toes. Gave some time to stall for what happened after the hug.

They both knew Taika was taking the Thor franchise in a new direction, but when they saw their scripts and got to this scene they nearly lost it.

Taika was going to have Thor and Loki kiss, and even have a short sex scene.

They were nervous, to put it simply.

Mostly Tom. What would their fans think? The press, his family, his friends? Would they be accused of being gay? It didn't help that Chris was a married man with children to boot.

That didn't mean Tom didn't care for Chris. He was a handsome man and built like a brick shit house, and Tom wasn't scared to admit it. What he was scared of was admitting to his own feelings for Chris.

They flirted every now and then at cons and interviews, but mostly just to mess with the fans. Tom never expected a few joke flirts to actually spark something in him. Neither did Chris.

There were multiple cameras filming the hug to edit together and get it to be more interesting. 

Tom would rest his head on Chris' shoulder, and Chris would move him closer. They were acting, but at the same time it was oh so real.

They would hug, maybe put an arm around one another, but as friends. This hug felt different. More... intimate.

They wanted to hug forever, but they were filming a movie, sex scene or not, and they had to kiss.

Tom leaned his head back so they were making eye contact. Tom felt his face heat up as Chris wet his lips quickly and leaned in slowly. 

He mentally freaked out.

He was about to make out with Chris fucking Hemsworth.

His co-star, friend, brother, the man he had worked with for seven years, and they were about to make out on camera for the world to see.

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