Chapter 1

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Mason and his twin sister Stella have been at Raven morgue orphanage since they were four years old, they don't remember anything about their parents or why they were brought to the orphanage in the first place so they just stuck together like they always have since they were born. Although they found that they had psychic abilities at the age four years old, so now that their eight years old they soon realized that everyone in the orphanage was afraid of them.

(sorry for the introduction this is the first time I'm writing a creepypasta related story.)

Mason's POV
Me and Stella are eight years old now and we discovered that everyone was more than a little scared of us, but I think I know why their so afraid since it did happen when we were four after all. It started when Stella and I were four, whenever we would throw a tantrum something strange would happen and someone would get hurt like the time I had gotten mad at the caretakers for letting a kid take one of my sister's toys and it didn't end well because the curtains burst into flames and three people got hurt and everyone left the building.

It was a big shock to a lot of people and the caretakers and other orphans were afraid of me most likely because I said out loud which was probably loud for the whole orphanage to hear "if your just going to let that stupid brat take my sister's toys then this place and everyone inside should just burn to death!!!" was what I said out of anger, but I didn't think it would actually happen and since then everyone stayed away from me, well except for for my sister.

It was only soon after that we found out she could lift things with her mind, I read about it once from a book I found lying on the ground but I didn't know why it was there in the first place. I had read a page that talked about telekinesis and pyokinesis and of course I have pyokinesis and my sister has telekinesis which really comes in handy when dealing with the other kids trying to take her toys when she is not looking.

It was an interesting experience for us both, there was a time when we were seven that Stella wanted to leave the orphanage and find a place where we could live and call our home, but I was against it because we were still too young to leave the orphanage by our selves, but she insisted that we leave so I made a deal with her that is we are not adopted before we are eight then we can leave and of course she agreed to it.

So now that we were eight years old we are packing some clothes for us to ware so we won't have to ware the same thing everyday, Stella and I have gotten the hang of our powers quickly and we are much wiser than a normal eight year old so it is easy for us to think quick on our feet, which is another reason we are leaving and as long as we have each other then that is all I really need.

Stella's POV
I was so happy to finally leave this stupid place and pretty soon we will find a place to call home, so I took some clothes and put them into a suit case I had found on the side of the orphanage but I don't know why it was there but I took it anyways and it Will come in handy now since we're leaving. Their was a reason I wanted to leave to badly from the orphanage, it was because I had this bad feeling that something would happen so I wanted to leave before it was too late.

I had told Mason about it and he looked very worried and said he also had the same feeling, so after packing some of our clothes we went quietly to the front door and since they lock it every night before all the children go to bed I used my telekinesis to unlock the door to the orphanage and Mason and I silently walked out the shutting it without a sound. As we walk down the steps of the building I noticed two figures across the street a little ways off but I didn't think much of it.

Mason seemed to notice them too because he took my hand and quickly started walk down the steps and down the sidewalk, and I looked back to see the two figures were gone but I had this strange feeling that they would appear again. I was glade that Mason slowed down his pace because was a little tired from how fast he was walking but I could still keep up even if I was tired and right now I was hungry and Mason was too judging by the look on his face.

We found a store but it was closed so "tampered" with the lock on the door and picked up a rock then I walked inside, I saw a camera and threw the rock at it which broke the lense of the camera and I motioned Mason to follow me. He didn't seem to be worried about braking into a store so we could get food, instead he was enjoying the experience just like me which made very happy since only we can understand each other like no one else can then each other is the only family we have.

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