Chapter 2

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Mason's POV
I was gathering things we needed to survive like a few drinks and some food and snacks which were just sweets since Stella loves to eat sweets and I do too just not that much, once we got what we needed Stella and I quickly ran out the door and down the street. It was easy to figure out that for us to survive was to do what had to be done, so we snuck into someone's house and Stella had gotten a hold of a kitchen knife but had take a few more and I didn't say anything about since we needed a place to stay and doing this was our only choice and I wanted Stella to be able to sleep on a bed instead of the ground.

Stella had went into the kids room and there was a boy who liked to be the same age as us but we didn't care at the moment, we just wanted a place to sleep for the night and probably put our psychic powers to good use. Stella used her telekinesis to lift the knives into the air just over​ the sleeping boy and with a quick motion of her hand, the knives came down fast and each one landed and stabbed him in different parts of his body and the ones I noticed the most was the one piercing his throat and the one piercing his chest where his heart was which I guess killed him instantly.

We went to the parents room and this time I burned them alive and surprisingly enough nothing else was caught on fire,when they stopped moving I snuffed the flames out although it was interesting to hear them scream and try to put out the fire they were covered in. Stella and I had gone to bed after the excitement and we like always shared the same bed holding each other's hand and promising never to leave each other's side.

It was morning now and I had gotten up to eat breakfast so I went downstairs to eat some cereal, Stella are always out of sinc in the morning because she doesn't like to get up early and I do so I'm always up and ready before her but that is how we are since I am usually the one to wake her up. After I finish my cereal I put the bowl in the sink I went to get ready then woke up Stella so she could eat and get ready as well.

Once Stella was up and eating breakfast I went downstairs to turn on the tv which was on the new channel, I was about to turn it when they suddenly began talking about Raven morgue orphanage so I sat down and listened to what was going on and they were saying something about the people in the orphanage being killed which in turn made both me and Stella go pale. 'If me and Stella had still been there we would have died too!!' I thought to myself as I continued to watch and the was one surviver who just so happened to be one of the caretakers and she described the person perfectly.

Stella's pov
I was done eating already and I sat next to my brother to see the news, we both went pale after hearing that everyone was killed except for one of the caretakers and she described the person perfectly. The person had long black hair that looked like it was burned, his skin was a pale white, he had black rings around his eyes and he didn't seem to blink as if he didn't have any eyelids, and had a carved in smile that looked to cut into his face and he even wore a white hoodie and black dress pants.

"Authorities are saying that this may be the work of the infamous jeff the k-" the tv was quickly shut off by Mason who obviously didn't want to hear anymore that was being said and to be honest I didn't either since it could have been us too if we had not left when we did and I am very happy about it. I went upstairs to get ready for the day so we would be able to leave out the back door later on without getting caught by anyone that might see us coming out of the house, but we probably will wait until the sun goes down.

I have this bad feeling that something will happen if we stay any longer than we have to, but I am sure me and my brother can handle it if things go wrong but it's better we stay away from trouble and I think it would be best that we don't to comfortable so we can move on. Pretty soon the sun went down and we gathered up our things and headed out the door at around midnight, but as we came out the house we heard people talking? ' why would there be people out this late at night?' was the only thought I had before Mason took my hand and started running down the street so we could avoid them.

Me and Mason can't get caught even though we are just kids we are much smarter than a normal kid, but it felt like we were running like this somewhere before and I didn't know why although I noticed the two figures chasing us and I could see one of them had what looked to be a knife in his hand and that didn't sit well with me at all so I used my psychic powers to teleport us somewhere else that wasn't near those two.

Ben's pov
Me and Jeff were on a killing spree when we saw these kids coming out of a house with what looked like suit cases, "that's strange kids shouldn't be out this late" I say out loud "I wonder what their doing with those suit cases" Jeff said and to be honest I was curious too. Suddenly the two looked in our direction and the boy grabbed a hold of the girls hand and ran down the street so Jeff and I chased after them but as we were getting closer to them, they suddenly disappear as if they had teleported themselves somewhere else.

That was so unexpected that we were lost for words so we agreed that this was something to tell slender about when we get back to the mansion, he would either look for them or sent one of us or better yet hoodie and madly to find them... I wonder where those kids went off to.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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