Chica And Foxy

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Chica: guys I did something bad 😥😥😥

Foxy: what have you done now did you burn down the kitchen

Chica: no I hit a kid over the head with a baseball bat because he called me a duck, I need help.

Ash: holy mother of fazbear, you do realize that you could get shut down for killing a kid

Chica: I didnt kill him I knocked him unconscious besides foxy killed someone so why would they shut us down

Foxy: first of all it wasn't me and we didn't get shut down because no one died 😠😠😠

Chica:well why'd you have blood on your teeth when the boys in blue showed up huh

Ash: leave ma friend alone, he says he doesn't do it he doesnt do it.

Chica: but.

Ash: no buts you sit on your but

Chica: he did do it

Foxy:no I didn't I was eating your new pizza thing and it wouldn't come off my teeth

Ash: I believe ya buddy 😀😀😀😃😄

Chica has left the server

Ok so now that I've made it clear that I have not shipped them together like you have seen them fighting not kissing and all that lovey dovey stuff i just say that if I am going to aim stuff at them although I might ship later clear I just sent my authors note out nobody's read it so I'm posting one at the end of the Chappie yes peeps I noticed you totally skipped it

Bye for now peeps😘😘👌💞👌💖💖💖

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