If Looks Could Kill

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Goldie:where is ash she should have been here by now

Freddy: I'm sure she's. Coming be patient

Goldie: I have been patient for the last 32 minutes

Ash:I'm here goldie

Goldie:about time

Ash: I'm not that late

Goldie:yeah cause half an hour isn't late

Ash: well no need to get your undies in a twist bear

Goldie:watch your mouth woman

Ash: yeah what if I don't want ta ha what ya gonna do about fuzbut

Goldie: I'll stuff you in a suit

Ash:if you have forgotten bird brain, one, I'm an animatronic, two, you wouldn't dare to your to soft to me and the others

Freddy: damn if Looks Could kill tarlah

Ash: who the hell is tarlah, my name is Ash,

Goldie: oh Freddy did that wittle girl burn your little heart to ashes

Ash: who you callin little mister

Freddy: yeah you heard her gold who you callin little

Ash: can it fazbear I don't need you to comment too

Goldie: STOP!!!!

Ash: what if I don't wanna

Goldie: tar, I mean Ash we are going to Jeremys party and it starts in 30 minutes now are we gonna go or are you going to complain all night

Ash: oh shinola I forgot and who is this tarlah

Goldie:why does it not surprise me and you'll meet her pretty soon

Ash: let's go fuzbut

Goldie: are you going in that

Ash: in what, oh whoops I forgot I was animatronics for a second

Goldie: it's alright Ash, so do I call you Ash since your in human form

Ash: why would you call me anything else

Goldie: well since only Jeremy, mike, fritz and Vince..

Ash:grrr don't say his name hes a perverted grape

Goldie: woh calm down Ash what I'm trying to say is if you go there with the animatronics name they might ask questions and I know how you feel about people asking you

Ash: well I can't see why not

Goldie: OK Ashley let's go then

Ash: so if you call me Ashley then I get to call you by your real name

Goldie: alright then I guess it's fair

Ash: and your name is?

Goldie: right um my real name is uh Gale Larson

Ash: cool name my last name is..


Ash: huh how'd you know

Goldie: uh would you look at the time we have ten minutes until the party starts


Mike: were are you guys, were almost started the party

Jeremy: yeah Ash we can't start with out you

Ash: aww thanks you guys were coming oh and Gale was just arguing with me wasting time as usual

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