A little question

577 13 24

Ajs pov

"So where do you live".

"Oh just a few more house down, I live near the Apple farm".

My eyes widen in shock.

"I live in the Apple barn".

She starts laughing 'why is she so cute'.

"Um Aj we're here" Rainbow said shaking her hand in front of my face, I get out of my trace and look at the place.

"This is nice".

"This is just the outside, it's better on the inside" she gets her keys out and opens the door.

"Come on in, you don't have to take your boots off".

I smile and nod.

"Hey soldier" I look up and see a man with dark blue skin and his hair is white.

"Uncle!!" Rainbow yells running up to him and gives him a hug.

"Hey rainbow" he looks up and looks at me. "You must be Applejack, it's nice to meet you".

"You to...." I say waiting for his name.

"Strike, just call me by my name" he smiles.

Rainbow let's go of him and stands next to him.

"Hey Aj just talk with strike for a few minutes I need to get something" rainbow said I nod and she runs up stairs.

"So how's rainbow been?" He asked.

"She's good, I saw her at the front of the school thought I would say hi, and pinkie my friend decided to get up in her face, but I pushed her away lightly. She looked really scared".

"She's not use to a lot of people" he said.

My face turned happy to confused but before I could ask rainbow came running down stares with a little stuffed Foxy character from fnafs.

"She's very childish" strike whispers to me.

"Doesn't bother me, I think it's cute".

Rainbow sits on the lounge and hugs the stuffed toy.

"Did you just say..." I look at strike with a 'don't say it look' he shuts up.

"Hey rainbow why don't you go show Aj your stuffed toys" strike said.

Rainbow got up and grabbed my hand and dragged me up stairs.

"Alright calm down rainbow I'm not going anywhere" I said.

She stop infrount of a room, the door was cyan but a little darker shade, there were bolts on the door and a wonderbolts poster on the door.

"So I like the wonderbolts just saying" she opened the door and my face turned shocked.

"Yes I have a lot of stuffed toys".

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