Chapter 2 - The Scotty Williams Hate Club

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In an instant, I felt all of the confidence seep out of me like I was a deflated balloon. It was easy telling myself I didn't care about my bullies whilst I was alone, but a totally different story when the lead members of my own personal hate club were stood right in front of me.

It would seem that they had all just returned from the tennis court. Taylor was wearing gleaming white trainers, black shorts and a white polo shirt that was covered in sweat. It pains me to say it, but he looked annoyingly attractive with his racket slung casually over his shoulder and his ash blonde hair sticking up in damp tufts. The Brainless Baker Boys didn't look quite so good with sweat shining off their identical skinheads. They did look menacing though.

Taylor gave me a smug grin like I was the funniest joke he had come across all day. "Why hello again Scottyboy, what are you doing out and about in the hallway?" He nonchalantly took a slurp of the water bottle he was carrying and wiped his mouth with his hand. "I thought you were meant to be all tied up today?"

As the taunting words came out of his mouth I was reminded of how he had tied my wrists together in the changing room. My skin was still stinging from the rope burn and I subconsciously held my hands tighter to my sides. Billy Baker gave a loud guffaw, as did Patricia who was tailing the group of boys. Olive (who remained right beside me) shot her an icy glare, which Patricia returned tenfold. I think those two girls hated each other even more than Taylor hated me.

"Listen up," Olive spat out in a fury. "You can all bloody well shut your mouths. You're just lucky that Scotty is such a nice guy because if it were up to me, you'd all be expelled so fast you wouldn't know what hit you."

I felt my insides churning. I loved Olive, but she really let her mouth run away with her at times. She was trying to stick up for me, but I knew it would only make things worse.

"Just ignore them," I muttered into her ear, attempting to pull her away. All I wanted was to go home and forget this horrid day had ever happened, not relive it all over again.

"No Scotty, they need to know!" she exclaimed. Then she turned back to the boys. "You are all complete and utter thugs! You need to grow up and stop picking on people. It's not funny in the slightest!"

The whole hateful crew was now doubled over in laughter at Olive's little outburst. Patricia started to mimic Olive in a stupid high-pitched voice. "Oh, stoppp it guysss, it's not funny in the SLIGHTEESTTT!" She let out a peal of shrill laughter.

Patricia really is a nasty piece of work. The best way to describe her is to imagine a horse that has been brought to life and turned into a bratty teenage girl. She has a pointy nose, a snorty laugh and long blonde hair which she always wears in a massive high ponytail on the top of her head. She also particularly loathes Olive for two reasons. The first reason is that Olive got the position of head girl over her. The second is that Olive is effortlessly prettier than her without even trying.

Olive loathes Patricia right back, purely for the fact that she is Patricia.

"Calm down Ol," Taylor snorted patronisingly. "It was just a joke. We were literally just coming back to get him now. Surely Scottyboy can take a little joke, right? Can't you Scotty?" He reached out to me and tried to pinch my cheek like I was a tiny toddler. I saw red and swiped his hand angrily away.

"Ooh, getting feisty now!" Taylor mocked. "Now Olly the wally is here to back you up. Wow, we're all shaking with fear!"

The Brainless Baker Boys kept on laughing and gave some hoots of agreement. I noticed they never usually gave much in the way of insults, leaving Taylor to do all the talking. They just agreed with anything he said and did all his dirty work for him. I guess they figured it would get them brownie points with Taylor's dad and all his sporting contacts.

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