Mine // Tom Holland and Y/N

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*You and Tom are married! Y/S/N = Your son's name, Y/D/N = Your daughter's name*
Tom forcefully threw his suit jacket on the counter as he watched me make dinner for the kids.
"Tom I'm not in the mood for this right now."
"Y/N we need to talk."
"Not now, I'm making Y/S/N and Y/D/N dinner." I said shoving past him. Setting the kids' dinners on the table, I walked back into the kitchen. Tom and I had the perfect family. Two kids we adored, and....well a decent house. He argued we could be living somewhere even better if I worked like he did, but I chose to stay home with the little ones. They needed me right now, and I couldn't possibly think of hiring a babysitter to take care of them while I could be doing it myself.
"Y/N....everything is slipping out of our hands."
"No it's not! Tom we have this under control!"
"Honey these kids need me right now! Sorry if I'm spending more time with them than you are..."
And with that Tom lost it.
"Y/N....I've had it. If you don't want to pitch in and help me out here then that's on you. I don't want to be living under a roof where my wife is too lazy to work!"
"Are you serious?! I'm the only one that is actually with the kids and helping them grow up! Meanwhile you're God knows where at 11 o'clock every night while I'm here trying to manage like a single Mom!"
"Y/N this family will not turn into yours. I'm not going to make the same mistakes your parents did. They-"
"WELL THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE APART OF THIS FAMILY THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Tears streaming down my face, I opened the front door and just ran. I needed to get out of here, get out of the house, this life, anything. I collapsed on the ground finding myself in the woods behind our house. Hearing footsteps behind me knowing it was Tom, I said, "Go ahead and break up with me. I've had it Tom." I braced myself for the goodbye because that's all I've ever known. My parents split up and so did my grandparents. Tom knew this, which is why I was prepared. I've suffered all my life, might as well accept it now.
"Hey hey Y/N...."
I let Tom take my hands and pull me off the ground. He cupped my face in his hands and said, "I'll never leave you alone. I remember how we felt sitting in my backyard back in Kingston. Every time I look at you, it's like the first time. I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter. She is the best thing that's ever been mine."
"Tom...." I smashed my lips into his, needing his warmth to calm my nerves. Our kisses were sweet and passionate. He pulled away, laying his face into my neck in a hug.
"You are the best thing that's ever been mine."

*Tom and Y/N worked everything out after that. No more fighting, just lots of loving. I guess you could say they lived happily ever after ;)*

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