Chapter Eight

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Camilla stood, confusion filling her features, in the Smith's big, spacious kitchen, a cooking book in her hand as she looked between three different recipes of a pie deciding which one could best imitate Zoe's signature pie.

As she made this decision, she silently cursed Williams for showing her the business card. If he hadn't, she wouldn't have had a disagreement with her daughter and wouldn't be caught with a cooking book to begin with. She was a horrible cook.

Camilla huffed out a breath and closed the book and she left the kitchen, deciding that she will rather make an excuse to Joanna who was already obsessed with Zoe's cooking than burn down the kitchen.

"Nanny Cami". Joanna screamed, loosing herself from her father's hold and she ran to meet her nanny. "I've missed you a lot". She said, and Camilla couldn't help but think that she was mistaking her for the pastries she brings along with her every weekend.

She brushed her hands through Joanna's hair and said. "But you just saw me yesterday".

"Get your filthy hands drop my daughter's head". Xan boomed, angrily.

So I'm supposed to dip my hands in holy water before I touch her head. Camilla thought, looking at him.

Zoe and her mother were so much alike in terms of their unfiltered speeches, the only difference being, whilst Camilla's are internal, Zoe wasn't afraid to voice them out.

"You came late". Xan stated.

I know

"I'm sorry sir, I had a family issue to take care of". She looked away from him, fidgeting with her maid's uniform.

"That's more important than your service to my family?" He dared.

Of course!

"I'm sorry sir". She said instead.

"Nanny". Joanna tugged her uniform. "Where is the pie you promised to bring today?". She asked, sniffing through Camilla's paper bag. Camilla suspected that Joanna knew she wasn't getting any, because Zoe's pastries were hard to miss. You needed not be close to it  before you catch a whiff of the scent, and Joanna's lips tugged downward confirmed her suspicion.
"Em-". Camilla stuttered, thinking of the less painful way to break her heart. "I don't have it with me today, something came up and I wasn't able to get it".

"But what am I going to tell my brother? We were looking forward to it today". She said on the verge of tears.

Tell him what I told you, I don't have it. Camilla sighed, rolling her eyes mentally.

She bent down so she was at her eye level. "Don't cry baby, I promise I'll make it up to you". She whispered.

"But you promised me today". Joanna wailed and Camilla folded her lips into her mouth, internally counting down to the second till hell get loose. Joanna was a really sweet child but then again, the apple doesn't fall far away from the tree. She was so used to getting anything she wanted that she would always throw a tantrum when things are not going her way.

"Why the hell are you making my daughter cry?" Xan shouted. "And why didn't you get her the pie?".

The one you paid me for? She snickered internally, unaware of his presence still in the room.

"The thing is sir...". Camilla trailed, scratching her head. "I'm not the one makes them and-"

"Ah! I knew it". Elizabeth interjected, strutting into the room. "Those foods taste too rich to be made by a commoner like you". She mocked and Xan smirked.

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