Chapter Thirteen

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A week has passed since his rift with Zoe and he remained grumpy than ever. As much as he was certain that the fault was hers, he was beginning to think that just maybe, even for a tad bit, he was at fault. Had he really sounded ungrateful? He was only speaking to truth, but then how would she know that?

Tobi and Emeka were sprawled on the floor playing video game while Pierce laid on his bed, a book in hand as he tried to study. Keyword being tried! His mind kept drifting off to a certain young lady.

Was I too harsh on her?

"I can't believe you let a lady talk to you like that." Tobi called, diverting the attention away from his lost to Emeka, again.

They had seen Pierce mumbling incoherently to himself yesterday, a trait he only displays when he was extremely angry. Their first guess was that it was his parent again, but they remembered he would always have a sad look on instead which was a contrast to the I will kill anything that comes my way look he had on. They pestered him until he revealed what was wrong. "What was he suppose to do?" Emeka interjected. "Beat her up?" He asked.

Pierce, who was oblivious to the conversation his best friends were having, suddenly jerked his head up. "Guys," he called. "do you think I was too harsh on her?" He finally voiced out his thought, guilt weighing on him.

"No way!" Tobi exclaimed, giving Pierce a disdain look. "I would have slapped that bitch if it was me."

Emeka looked up at him with disgust and shook his head. "You are going to hit a woman? Tobi, not every-"

Their conversation was interrupted by the knock on the door. Zoe stood behind the door, nervously twisting her fingers. She began dusting imaginary dust off her skirt and she heard someone roar 'come in'. She took a deep breath twisting the door knob. "Evening." She greeted, stepping in.

"Well, who do we have here?" Tobi commented, "Isn't this the gold digger". He said and Pierce winced.

Be nice Zoe! Don't murder him yet. Remember, you are here to apologize.

She kept chanting in her head. She rolled her tongue in her mouth, silently praying it was enough to restrain her from whatever indecencies she wished to sprout, at the same time ignoring the hurt in her chest when she realized that Pierce had said something to his friends. She was certain he had badmouthed her, after all she hadn't painted him in good light to Halima either. What bothered her was, to what extent had he gone and why it even bothered her to begin with.

But gold digger? Did he really call me that?

"Evening." Emeka replied, smiling at her. She moved her gaze him and returned his smile.

Maybe he hadn't badmouthed me after all. She thought . The Scumbag was just being...well, a scumbag. She threw Tobi a glare.

Pierce who hasn't been able to take his eyes off her since she entered his room could literally feel his jaw touching the floor at this point. He considered himself a sapio-sexual as he has always been attracted to the nerdy type, judging by his past girlfriends. But as he gapes at her, he found himself noticing the things he claims are vanity in a woman. Like how the tight jean skirt she was wearing reached her mid thigh, elongating her long toned leg, how the tight camisole was low in the neck area, revealing little cleavage or her collar bone which looks sharp enough to cut a person, her rosy full pink lips, and her well defined and high cheek bone.

Damn! God really took His time creating this one. He thought.

He blinked his eyes when it dawned on him that he had in fact been staring at her and Zoe smirked internally. What if you are not his type my foot.

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