Chapter 6 Koga the wolf and Kunai part 2

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Koga's POV

i watched as the moon came out to reveal a small, young child covered in blood 'great now im a child basher' i thought to myself.

i watched her stummble over to me,  when she sudently fell to the ground, i tried to catch her but it was to late, she fell to the ground with a hard thump.

seeing Kagome's scared face, i decided to take them both back with me,

"hey Kagome how bout you....."

" KOGA YOU IDIOT, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" she screamed in my ear, i winced in pain, seeing how i had senses 10x stronger then humans/priestess.

"how about you both come back to my cave, seeing how your lost plus Ayame could help the young wen...girl" i said, quickly corecting myself.

she glared at me but then nodded in agreement.

i bent down to pick up the girl, while Kagome climbed onto my back.

i ran for about 1 hour at top speed, when my cave finally came to veiw, as i ran to the entrence i was greated by Ginta and Hakkaku.

i motioned for them to follow me, once i made it to the inside the cave, i carefully layed the child across a wooden table.

Moments later i heard Ayame appear at the entrence of the cave with a basket of herbs and a shocked look on her face.

she rushed over to the table and started examening her wounds, she smiled with releif "she'll be ok", my face brightened as i heard the young girl moan,

Kai's POV

i opened my eyes to find my self in a cave, some new eyes staring at me plus i smelt my blood.

"where am i" i asked, "in my home" a male voice replied, i shifted my gaze to the entrance of the cave and started to get up, only to be pushed back down.

" you must rest" a smooth feminen voice said, i smirked and brushed the person's hand away.

i then got up of the table and started to move around, thats when everyone started to make a comotion on how i should rest.

"whatd with all the noise" a young male's voice said, my eyes shot up, oy to reveal a young boy, about my age, with short/long scruffy brown hair, brown eyes and wore brown wolf skin clothes.

his gaze met mine and he just stared at me, he then smirked "who's the pipsqueak" he asked smuggly, i smirked " if im a pipsqueak then what does that make you" i anwsered.

" a very handsome pipsqueack"

i coughed and gaged while he just glared. 

i then laughed " your not serious, are you, i mean you handsome, come on,maybe when cows fly".

"at least im not as ugly as you". i quietened and ran up to him, grabbing the scruff of his shirt and lifting him high over my head, my eyes turned crimson red.

but he didn't stop there, "i mean seriously, i'd be surprised if you acually had any friends, let alone family"  i looked to the ground " i wouldnt be surprised if they had abandoned you already" my head snapped up as tears fell from my eyes, the boy must of noticed " oh my god, they DID abandon you, but oh well i guess i couldnt blame them for having given birth to a mutt like you"

the tears stopped but where replaced with anger as i sped out the cave.

Sesshomaru's POV

i was walking to Kiede's village,to visit Kai when i came upon the scent of blood, her blood.

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Protect Me Always (inuyasha fanict)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora