Chapter 10 New memories

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( 3 months later)

i was having afternoon tea with my brother, Naraku, when one of the guards came running up.

"Lady Kai may i please speak to the Lord alone" i looked to my brother and he nodded so i decited to head towards my garden.

Naraku's POV

i smiled as my 'sister' left for her personal garden, i watched as her light pink kimono and long hair swayed in the wind.

i then looked back to the moment at hand "you better of had a good reason to interrupt me" i hissed at him.

"yes M'lord,

as i was patrolling the grounds i saw some movement in the bushes, so i hid then, Lord Sesshomaru appeared and started to head towards the castle"

i froze, " where is he now"

"the front door Sir"

i ran to the door only to find that he wasn't there, that's when i heard my sister shriek.

Kai's POV

i walked away from my brother and headed to my garden, once i got there i looked around.

there where,

jasmine, roses, Lilly's, cherry blossoms and much more.

i decided to water them, i was watering them for awhile when i heard one of the cherry blossom trees shake, i hesitantly walked over to it.

once i was there, i looked around and saw nothing there so i decided to go back to what i was doing, that's when i felt a hand on my shoulder.

i froze and turned around, only to see a tall man, with golden eyes and long white hair.

i screamed and ran for the pitchfork, after i shrieked i could hear footsteps at the door "BROTHER, HELP ME" I screamed out,

but the Tall man wasn't alone, just as soon as my brother busted down the door, a wolf man and his pack, a fox, a strange girl, a demon slayer,monk and a dog came through the wall.

"BROTHER" I screamed and ran over to Naraku.

Inuyasha's POV

I watched as Kai, my precious sister, ran into the open arms of Naraku.

"Naraku" I hissed with so much distaste you could taste it,

"what have you done with Kai" I yelled out.

he smirked "ive done nothing to her" he said, "then how come she dosent remember me or Sesshomaru" i snarled.

Kai's POV

i watched as my brother and the dog thing fought about somthing, i felt someone's eyes on me so i turned my to see what it was, as i looked around i could see the tall dog man stare at me, he then walked over to me.

i backed away as he came closer, in a flash he caught me in his arms, i screamed and my brother turned his head to face me, his eyes went red with anger.

as i struggled i finally had the chance to bight the dog man, so i did and he let go, i jumped out of his arms and slammed my body against the smaller dog thing, once i did he let go of my brother and i smiled truimphitly.

"KAI WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON" the dog thing yelled at me, i ran as fast as i could, over to im and slammed him against the wall "how do you know my name mutt" i hissed, "because IM your real brother not Naraku" he answered.

i looked at him as though he was crazy, my gaze turned to Naraku who kept shaking his head no.

Rin"s POV

i was walking around the campsite, seeing that Lord Sesshomaru was still gone i went to wake up Jaken, i poked him over and over again until he fianlly started to stir.

" Master Jaken, MASTER JAKEN" I screamed out, he got up with a yelp then whacked me over the head with his 'staff of two heads'.

"what it is Rin" he said half asleep, "I think somethings wrong with Lord Sesshomaru" I said with a hint of worry in my voice.

"what makes you say that"

"well I saw him leave at around midnight last night and well its already the afternoon, I mean usually he'd be back by now" I finished.

he looked at me with some worry in his eyes. "sjould we go look for him" i asked, he nodded " staff of two heads lead the way" Jaken yelled out.


Jaken and i travled for a long time until the staff started to act strangly towards a clear patch, i looked foward to see nothing "Master Jaken theres nothing there"

he looked at my with a plain expresion before walking towards it, as soon as he took a step foward, he vanished.

his hand shot out of the barrier, grabbing my sleave and pulling me in.

Naraku's POV

"M'lord somone has breached the barrier", my eyes widened as did Sesshomarus, "go find out who it is" i ordered, almost 5 minutes later, the gaurd came back with a toad demon and a young girl.

i smirked 'these are the two that always follow Sesshomaru' i thought, i grabbed a hold of the two and wrapped them in my tenticles.

"LORD SESSHOMARU" the little wentch screamed out, Sesshomarus eyes landed on the girl's and his eyes widened with rage, his eyes went red and his teeth grew longer, i smirked 'perfect'.

Kai's POV

"LORD SESSHOMARU" I heard somthing scream, my eyes scanned the room and fell upon a small human girl, who looked strangly familliar, as i watched the girl scream, a rouge tear escaped my eyes and fell to the ground.

i put my hand up to my cheek 'i was...crying?', the girls eye scanned the room as he eyes landed on my, she mouthed the words 'help me' and my body clicked into gear.

i ran as fast as i could to the girl, i went even faster then the Sesshomaru guy, as i neared her i jumped into the air, i landed on my brothers back and chopped of the tenticle that had this girl trapped, he hised in pain and dropped her.

before she hit the ground i caught her and ran out through the door and into the surrounding forest.

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