Chapter 20 Naraku....Again

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I woke up to the sound of a cart being pulled, I instantly bolted awake, only to see cage bars, I looked around, I was in a cage being pulled by a mule.

"hey what's the deal" I yelled out causing the cart to stop, "the beast has awoken"I heard someone shout followed by screams, I gave a WTF face followed by a sweat drop, "what did you call me" I asked dangerously,  he stood there wondering weather to reply or not, he decided to keep silent and keep moving.

"well I'm outta here" I mumbled to myself, but one of the villagers heard me, "no your not" he said, he then stuck a blue liquid filled needle into my neck making me very sleepy, "Lord Naraku wants you back" he continued as I slipped into darkness.


Kero's POV

my ears perked up, I swear I just heard someone call my name, "what's wrong Kero" Sango asked concerned, my eyes tensed, "this way" I shouted out making sure everyone was following me.

I smelt the air, yep, I smell Kai's Blood, "shit" I muttered under my breath, "what's wrong" Inuyasha asked, "blood.....Kai's blood"I answered, I could feel the tension in the air.

" I also sense Naraku" Sesshomaru piped up, making everyone more worried.

"don't worry Kai....where coming" I thought to myself.

Naraku's POV

I waited, for the villagers to return, word has it that they found Kai.

finally she was mine.

*knock knock*

"who's there" I asked dangerously,  "W...we have r...return M...M'lord"

I smirked"did you bring the girl, " he nodded, I smiled, "bring her in"

moments latter an unconscious Kai was dragged in by the feet, I felt my anger rise, "YOU INSOLENT BASTARD, WATCH WHAT YOUR DOING WITH HER" I yelled out, he shook in fear, "o...of course m...M'lord, I'm very sorry" with that he gently picked her up and gave her to me.

I smiled as I stroked her smooth, light pink cheek, "well your no longer any use to me" I said to the villager, I rose my hand and with one gentle wave, Kagura killed him.

"Kagura, have Kai cleaned and dressed" I said, she nodded and carefully took Kai out of my hands. I smirked "your mine now...Kai"

Kai's POV

I felt as though I had been hit by a bull, maybe even two bulls.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, "where am i" I thought aloud, I heard an evil chuckle coming from the room. I bolted from the bed in was currently in.

"w..who's there" I shouted trying to sound confident. the chuckling continued as I back away into the corner of the room, "w...what do you want"

"I" the voice said, I quickly rushed over to the door, broke it down and ran outside, "where am I"

I was in a castle, surrounded by deadly Miasma, "why your in my lair Kai" the voice said.

I gasped in realisation "NARAKU........SHOW YOURSELF" I shouted out, "always was a smart girl Kai" he said stepping into the light.

I glared at him in disgust, "what do you want" I hissed dangerously, he smirked,  "didn't I already tell you"

"but why me" I asked curiously, "because I feel as though I have a .......connection with you, i want to protect, its almost as though, I love you"

I stared at him with wide eyes, I smiled "if you love me, you'll let me go"

he chuckled (again), "you don't get it, I love you so much that I never want to let you go" he said while walking up to me.

he got so close to me that I could feel his breath on my neck, he put his face to my ear and .......licked it, "stay with me forever" he whispered into my ear, I gasped as he pulled me into a hug.

"" I shouted out and used all my might to push him away, he went flying back, I hit him so hard that he actually Made a dent in the wall, I breathed furiously, "do that again and I'll kill you" I glared at him my eyes glowing red, he smirked and put his hand up, thousands of slimy tentacles following his every movement, "just so that you can never escape me, I'll make you my bride"

I screamed in terror as he said that, "dude, I'm 13" he shrugged, "doesn't matter to me", I could feel tears prick my eyes as his tentacles swarmed round me. my breathing quickened and with one strong voice I yelled out.


sorry for the short chapter :(

I'll try make a longer one soon

don't forget to vote :-)

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