Chapter 10 Protect

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2 weeks later 

Regina stands at the window, impatiently looking out. "Regina, keep in mind traffic," Cora enters placing down some tea. "I know, I just miss him," Regina shrugs. Cora smiles softly as her daughter stares out the window again anticipating his arrival. 

"You'll have to tell him of your acceptance to the school," Cora said. "Yes, you think he will be happy?" Regina asks. Cora sighs, "Come here Regina," she leads her to sit on the couch. "Killian has proven himself that he is not like the other men you knew for so long," Cora explains. 

"I know, I just.." Regina shifts, "He is interested in you, and wants you to be happy, and do what you want, he's made that quite clear," Cora assures. "I guess I still want to please him," She said. "But he's not the same as the others, I think Killian wants to please you." Cora smiles. "He chose the name Regina to treat you like a Queen, let him," Cora smiles. 

Regina takes a deep breath, as her mother gently hugs her. A honk from outside is heard, and Regina leaps up, pushing the curtain to see the car. She grins, and dashes out of the living room. Killian gets out of the passenger side, with a smile across his face. 

Without a coat, Regina runs outside in the rain anyway. "Killian!" she squeals and gets to his arms. Her feet leave the ground as he picks her up, "Miss me?" He smiles, "Yes," She grins. "We would have been faster if it wasn't for traffic, I should have brought my broom," Zelena smiles and kisses her sister's cheek. 

"Your sister is quite the driver, she should work at the embassy," Killian said. "Ohh..wicked," Zelena thinks. "Z," Regina looks at her, "Come on little sister, out of the rain," Zelena tugs them inside. 

"I got in!" Regina says to Killian, "To the school?" He asks, she nods quickly. "Ah, Regina that's wonderful," he beams. 

Hours later 

"That apple pie was delicious," Killian brings plates to Cora in the kitchen. "Thank you, the girls made it with red and green apples," Cora said. Henry enters with some coffee cups. Killian looks over his shoulder making sure Regina is occupied with Zelena. 

"Uhh, I wanted to talk to you, Mr. and Mrs. Mills," Killian says. Cora and Henry give him their attention. "I know Regina has been through a lot, and it's only been a few weeks," he clears his throat. "You want to marry her," Cora says. 

"Uhh, you're perceptive," he chuckles. "I don't want to rush it, I want her to finish school, but I would like to ask eventually, for her hand," he says. Henry smiles, and shakes his hand, "And will you continue to work for the embassy?" Cora interrogates. "Oh, no Ma'am, I'm going to work here in New York, basic detective work, in one place," Killian assures. 

"Well, that is perfect," Cora nods. "Yes, I think I've traveled enough for catching bad guys. I think the only traveling I would like to do is showing Regina the world," He said. Cora and Henry, pleased, hug Killian, and Zelena interrupts. "What did I miss?" she presses. "Nothing nothing, take the tea to your sister," Cora instructs. 

Several months later 

"Where are we going?" Regina asks, holding tightly to Killian's hand. "Well, I spoke to your parents, and I'm taking you for an overnight at the Plaza hotel," he smiles. Regina gapes at him, "The plaza?" 

"Yes, I told you, you're a Queen now," he kisses her hand gently. Holding Killian's arm, he escorts her into the luxury hotel. Regina looks at the golden finishes and the marble floors, she's never been inside the famous hotel.

"Jones," Killian tells the front desk, "Yes Sir, and we have the cart already in the room," the concierge smiles. "Cart?" Regina asks, walking to the elevator. "You know, treats, drinks," he smirks. 

Led down the hallway, the concierge opens the door for them, "Thank you," Killian smoothly tips him and shuts the door. "Wow," Regina looks around. Matching robes lay on the bed, the softest fabric she's felt. "Little more refined than my flannel," he jokes. 

"I thought," he picks up champagne and pours a glass, "You've been doing great in school so far, soon enough you'll be helping others," he hands her the glass. "I thought we could celebrate that," He says. 

She clinks against his glass and begins to take a sip of the champagne. He watches her intently, and her eyes catch the shine. Inside the glass, Regina looks down into it, and gasps. He smiles at her, and gently takes the glass, putting his fingers inside to retrieve the shining ring.

"Regina, I know you've been through a lot, and if it's too fast, it's ok...." he trails off. "I will!" She spits out. He laughs, and kneels, "Well then, umm, I'm guessing you'll marry me?" he asks. She nods quickly, and he slips the ring on her finger. 

"No rush, we can have a long engagement, I just wanted to promise you, all of me," he said, standing up. Gently he kisses her, and Regina shifts her dress off her shoulder. "What are you doing?" he asks. 

"I'm ready," she shifts the other side. He softly smiles at her, and touches his hand on her cheek, "Are you sure?" He asks. "I want to feel you, all of you," She whispers. 

Killian sits down on the bed, and Regina remains standing. He gently helps her out of her dress. Gently he moves his hand up her waist, "Go ahead," he says. Regina unbuttons his shirt, and he shifts out of it. 

Standing up, he kisses her, she takes a breath. "If you want to stop at any point, just say so," he murmurs. Regina trails her fingers down his midsection, to his belt buckle. She undoes it, and nibbles her lip at him. 

He sits back down on the bed, pushing himself backward, he lays down. "I think you earn the right to be in charge for this," he held her hand, helping her to place her hips on top of his, her legs on either side. "I don't even know how, they did..." she breathes. He smiles at her, gently holding her face, "You do what feels good... to YOU," he said softly. 

Regina gasps a bit, as she slides herself over Killian. He groans softly into his throat, as he rests his hands on her thighs. "Now, you just move," he sighs. Regina leans down towards his chest, controlling her own movement for the first time in her life. 

For the first time in her life, Regina feels pleasure. Killian's hand gently holds her head, intertwining his fingers in her hair, breathing her in,"Oh yes, Regina.." he whispers in her ear, "Mmmm," she softly moans, making love to him. "I love you," she breathes. "And I you." he replies. 

2 years later 

"Thank you," a young woman nods to Regina, who smiles as she leaves. The door behind Regina reads "Regina Mills, Trauma Therapist." 

Glancing down the hallway, Killian smiles. "What are you doing here so early?" She asks. "Well, I have keys," Killian holds them up. Regina beams at him, "Oh!"

Killian pulls up their car, to a beautiful home, not far from Regina's parents, but it's their own place. A two bedroom, with a white fence and red door. "Oh it's even better than when we first picked it out," Regina walks around the living room. 

"Think it's pretty good to start out," Killian smiles. "Well, it's big enough," Regina nods. "Yeah, I mean definitely plenty big for the two of us," He chuckles. 

"Well," she shrugs. 

"What?" he tilts his head, "Maybe not," Regina hands him a small piece of paper, a picture. He gulps, "A baby?" He asks. Regina nods, "Yeah, really tiny there, that little white spot they said," Regina points. 

"Oh Regina," he kisses her. "You'll protect them?" Regina asks. "I'll protect you all, forever," he nods. 

The End

A/N-- Next Hooked Queen is Lieutenant Jones and Young Regina.... mostly fluffy, some drama. 

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