Niggas Ain't Shit

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"So, what do you do?"

Kamara almost rolled her eyes but refrained out of respect for the man sitting in front of her. But it was a horrible question to ask. On her dating profile, she already stated that she was a server at an upscale restaurant. It showed that he didn't read a single thing she wrote. She looked hard at him. His name was Michael Lawrence. His skin was lighter than she usually liked, favoring a caramel cappuccino. It clashed horribly with his teeth. The yellow undertones in his skin only brought out the plaque on his teeth. But, she read that he was a petroleum engineer and he loved to cook. So she decided to entertain him for a little longer.

"I'm a server," she replied curtly over her glass of wine.

"Server? What do you serve?" He looked at her flirtatiously, his voice dripping with a sexual undertone.

"Food." This time she allowed her eyes to roll and her displeasure known. She checked her phone. Oh, fuck. She'd only been on this date for 30 minutes and she was already ready to leave. Most of the dates she'd been on hadn't gone to shit this quickly. How can I get myself out of this? She thought.

He grabbed her hand and placed her phone face down. "Excuse me? What do you think you're doing?" She asked. She hoped that she wouldn't have to call the waiter over.

"It's rude to check your phone during a date. Don't you know that? You should know that. Given the nature of your job." Now his tone was condescending, as if he didn't approve of what she did.

"And what does that mean? If you're implying that I should be well versed in social etiquette, you're right. I knew exactly what I was doing."

"Ugh!" He scoffed. "Camera, you're very beautiful but you are so small."

She gripped the tablecloth. Grinding her teeth, she flagged down the waiter. "I'd like the check please. Split it." The waiter hurried away, sensing the tension.

"Oh, that wasn't necessary Camera."

"Stop calling me that! My name is Ka-mar-a!"

They spent their remaining time together in silence. The waiter brought the checks, and Kamara slapped some cash onto her check presenter and hurried out. She deleted Michael's number as soon as she was safely to her car. As she began to pull off she spotted Michael leaving the restaurant, looking sad. She shrugged. If he hadn't been such as asshole, I might feel bad, she thought. She pressed the call button on her car's control center and directed it to call her best friend Diamond.

"Uhh... that was quick girl," Diamond said, picking up after the first ring.

"He was horrible! Ugh, lightskinned niggas are the worst!" She wanted to throw her hands up in exasperation, but she was driving.

"Girl, all the men on those apps are trash! That's why I told you to stop fooling with that shit. You need to come out with me and Tiara to the club and find you a normal man. Not some weirdo trolling an app for a quick nut!"

"Girl I wish you would leave me alone about the damn club! You know I don't like doing the most just to dance at a fonky ass club, having to beat niggas off me all night."

"So you too good for the club now Kamara? Is that it?" Diamond teased.

"Yes! I am definitely too good for the club," Kamara laughed at her friend.

"Whatever, you'll change your mind when you get lonely enough. I gotta go sis, it's time for me to get in the bed with my man!" Diamond blew her a kiss into the phone and quickly hung up.

"Rude bitc-" Kamara started to yell, but Diamond had already hung up. She laughed and shook her head. Diamond was hilarious, and one of her closest friends along with Tiara. Maybe I should think about going to the club with them, she thought as she pulled into her driveway with only her vibrator to look forward to.

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