Breaking Point

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     I sat on a bench in the school's courtyard and thought about the tradegy that had happened a few days ago. I didn't think that the dream was a vision. Then again, I shouldn't take my dreams for granted, and should start remembering that not all my dreams are just normal dreams. I got out my chopsticks and opened up my bag of nori roasted seaweed sheets, then stuffed them in my mouth while in deep thought. 

    "I hope that I don't get any bad visions..." I said to myself. I opened my bottle of banana milk, drinking it with a straw. I watched the birds playing in the water on a fountain, the fountain spewed out water. The weather, despite the fact that it was cold, was perfect to chill outside. I felt peaceful for once, the air smelled fresh and I could actually breathe. I sighed a happy sigh, slightly smiling at the birds playing in the fountain. There were patches of sunlight around it due to the big tree. Unfortunately, my smile faded as the bell rang. I groaned while putting my stuff in my lunchbox, and threw away my trash.

   "Great..." I muttered in annoyance as I headed to my next class.


   Finally school was over. "Ugh, I'm finally free," I said to myself in an exhausted tone. I was putting a few things in my locker, when all of a sudden, the air became thicker. I stood still for a moment, narrowing my eyes at the familiar aura in the atmosphere.

   "Jimin..." I quietly sighed to myself, then slowly turned around. My eyes widened, "what the hell-"

   "Youuuu....!" He growled at me, stomping towards me with anger written all over him.

   Shit, what did I do?! I thought as I watched him rage over to me, shock and confusion written all over me.

   He stopped right in front of me, teeth gritted together and knuckles clenched.  "Give it back....RIGHT now!" he barked at me.

   "G-give what back?" I replied in shock, "I didn't take anything-"

   He interrupted me with a sarcastic, hysterical laugh. "Sure you didn't!" His face went serious again, "give me back my damn laptop! I know you took it, you literally sit next to me in most of our classes! I'm not playing any damn games! Give me back my fucking-"

   "Oh god...that's what you mean?"I rolled me eyes at him, "you left it in our first class," I scoffed at him, "you should check before harassing people and wasting their damn time," I stepped out of his way after closing my locker. I don't know why, but he was annoying and frustrating me so much that I could just smack him into the ceiling! "Please go bother someone else..." I said in annoyance before walking away from him.

   "Gah!" I yelped as he grabbed my sleeve and slammed me into the locker, slightly lifting me by the collar. "Nng..what the hell-!"

   "So you saw I left it, and didn't return it to me? You thought it was funny, huh?!" He hissed at me, his eyes wide open from anger.

   What the- is he being serious right now?

   "Jimin!" I yelled at him, getting more pissed off by his actions, "stop being ridiculous! get over yourself-"

   "Oh, so you didn't tell me on purpose! You wanted me to lose it, huh?! You little shit! What if I took something from you, you want that?!"

   I was absolutely shocked and dumbfounded by his behavior. Yes he's stupid and petty, but I've never seen him act like this before. Something else must've happened, I had no idea what to do.

   All of a sudden, he took the laptop I was holding and threw it on the ground while still holding me.

   "Yah! Jimin, what the hell do you think you're doing?! Have you lost your mind?!" I yelled at him. Welp, there goes all my projects...

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