Chapter Two

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There's a long awkward silence after Callan stomped off. Kitty flashes me a dirty look. "You're such a bitch."

"That's rich coming from you." I retort.

"What's up with him? He's even moodier than usual." Raiden frowns.

"Maybe he hasn't been laid." I suggest.

"Jesse! Stop being a bitch." Lucas sighs, running a hand through his blonde hair. "And go after Callan, for God's sake. Ryder, help me with the bloody barbecue please."

"Sure man." Ryder gets up and walks to Lucas.

"You're joking right?" I snap.

"No." Lucas snaps back.

"I didn't do anything!" I whine, stomping my foot like a three year old. Yes, mature is my middle name.

"You slapped him!"

"He was being inappropriate! Why are you sticking up for him anyway!"

"I know him."

"Oh really? You know him?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Jesse, God dammit, go after him now. Please."

"Urrgghhh! Fiiiiine." I turn and stomp off in the direction Callan had disappeared.

How the hell am I meant to find him in this frickin' massive forest? Taking a wild guess, I head in a random direction and continue walking that way.

After God knows how long, I reach a road. A road. What the fuck? Since when has there ever been a road here? Tapping my pockets, I realise I left my phone behind. Double shit.

So I'm lost in a forest, without any means of communication. And it's getting dark. Just to find Callan. I'm going to kill that arsehole when I get my hands on him. And not in a sexual way.

Just like the idiot I am, I walk away from the road in a different direction. And get lost yet again. Why the hell did I walk away from the road?

At times like this I wish I took the ultimately lame arse subject called geography. It could possibly help me right now. Distracted in my thoughts of possible ways to murder Callan, I don't see the massive thick tree root and go flying. Face planting the ground like a boss, I feel something grazing my elbows and knees. "Ouch! Shit!" I hiss in pain, squinting to try and see my injuries but failing due to the lack of light.

Finally, I reach a river. And find a figure sitting on a rock. Thankfully, there's a lot of moonlight illuminating the figure and I see it's Callan. I sigh in relief. Wait, say what? "CALLAN, YOU ASSHOLE! I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" I scream.

Callan jumps and whips around, eyes widening as he sees me. "Jesse?! What are you doing here? Wait, are you bleeding?"

"I'm trying to find you! Why else do you think I'm here? If it wasn't for Lucas I would be at home, nice and warm and not feeling like my legs and knees are on fucking fire!" I continue screaming.

"Ah Luke, my hero. Here, let's try to clean your wounds before it gets infected." Callan grabs my wrist, pulling me towards the river.

"Don't drown me. I'm too young and sexy to die."

"Keep tellin' yourself that darlin'." Callan says, smirking. Tenderly, he cleans my wounds. He pauses as I hiss in pain and despite the fact I call him a variety of rude names, he continues.

"Well er... thanks? I guess." I grudgingly mutter.

"No problem. I guess I should say thanks for looking for me, despite the fact that you were forced to come after me."

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