Chapter Eight

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I wake up at six thirty to a high pitched scream. Slowly, I drag myself out of bed and head to Lucas's room. And crack up at the sight I see.

Lucas is covered in whipped cream and has profanities written all over his face. And a penis is drawn so the head is by Lucas's mouth.

"I think that's an improvement. Don't you agree, Jesse?" Callan's hot breath is on the back on my neck, causing me to tremble slightly.

"Uh... y-yeah." I blurt out, blushing crimson.

Lucas's eyes narrow and glance between us suspiciously. "Did you help Jesse?" He demands.

I stare at him incredulously. "You think I'd get up this early to do something as immature as that." I gesture at his face and turn to Callan. "It's still funny though." Without much thought, I reach into Callan's back pocket and get out his phone, typing in his password and snapping a shot of Lucas. I upload it onto Facebook and tag myself and Lucas, then lock it again and put it back in Callan's pocket.

Then I realise I practically groped Callan in the process of getting his phone and putting it back. Oh shit.

Callan has a smirk on his face. "Jesse, if you wanted to grope my sexy arse, you just had to ask."

Despite the fact we've been friends for nearly a week, our constant teasing hasn't stopped. I decide to take it up a notch. "Oh Callan, I thought your arse belonged to me." Winking, I grabbed his arse in my hands and squeezed. And does he have a nice firm arse.

Callan stiffens, his eyes swirling with unknown emotion. Standing on my tip toes, I kiss his cheek and walk out of the room, forcing myself to laugh, before I did anything else that would embarrass me and make Lucas even more suspicious. Lucas is already suspicious because 1. Callan and I have been a lot nicer to each other after our heart to heart conversation, 2. I've actually listened to them and avoided Maddox, and 3. that Callan had flirted and slept with no girls. Which is a major shock and very weird.

"Jesse! Get your arse back up here!" Lucas yells after me.

I freeze, torn between making a run for it or going back. My choice is made for me when I am lifted up and thrown over a shoulder.

"Revenge." Callan breathes huskily in my ear, squeezing my arse.

Unable to stop myself, a moan escapes my lips. Callan stiffens, having heard me. "Jesus Jesse, what do I do with you?" Callan mutters quietly.

Neither of us say a word until Callan reaches outside of Lucas's room. Slowly, he puts me down, ensuring that every part of my body brushes his as I slowly slide down onto my feet. I bite my lip, blushing crimson, as I stare into his eyes. Callan's arms tighten around me and he seems reluctant to let go of me.

"Jesse! Callan!" Lucas yells again. We jump apart and awkwardly enter Lucas's room.

Immediately, Lucas glares at Callan, who glares steadily back at him. They're clearly having a telepathic conversation which, annoyingly, I have no idea what it is about. Damn guys.

"Should I get out so you can be alone?" I snicker, and Lucas slowly tears his glare away from Callan to me.

"Jesse, go get me some of your make up removal shit stuff." Lucas snaps at me.

I glare, sticking my middle finger up at him. "Since you asked so nicely." I sneer sarcastically, stomping out of his room.

Heading to my bathroom, I grab my make up removal wipes, a flannel and some soap, before heading back to his room. I nearly barge in but stop when I hear angry whispers.

"I swear to God if you even think about touching her again in any way, I will kill you!"

"I won't hurt her! I'll never hurt her."

"Too late for that! You've already hurt her before!"

A pause. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said: you've already hurt her."


"When you've flirted and fucked other girls!"

"I never mean to hurt her! And I've stopped now. I won't fuck or flirt with any other girls. For her."

Involuntarily, I gasp, almost dropping everything in my hands. Who were they talking about? My fists clench as jealousy flows through me.

Lucas and Callan stop talking. "Did you hear that?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah." Callan replies.

"Just act normal." Lucas snaps, and Lucas declares he's going to get revenge on Callan.

Shakily, I walk away and compose myself. Waiting a few minutes, I knock on Lucas's door and paste a smile on my face, acting as if I didn't hear a word they said. Who was Callan talking about?

"Took you long enough." Lucas says.

"Sor-ree your majesty." I snap, ripping a wipe out of the pack and start scrubbing Lucas's face. Who was Callan talking about? Why did I even care? Would he ask for my help in getting this girl?

"Jesse! Do you mind?" Lucas snaps.

Blinking, I escape my jealous rage and see that I'm holding Lucas's face roughly and that his face is red from where I've been scrubbing too hard. And nothing has come off. "Oh. Sorry." I mutter, ripping my hand away.

"I used a Sharpie." Callan laughs.

"No shit Sherlock." I hiss at him, not looking at him otherwise I'd do something. Like either punch the hell out of him or kiss the hell out of him. Hopefully I'd do the first option.

"What's crawled up your arse?" Callan asks.

"N-nothing." I whisper, a tear escaping my eyes. "I'm hungry. I'm going to go eat." And with that, I tear out of Lucas's room, with tears pouring down my face.


A/N: Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been on holiday then got a cold.

Sorry it's kind of short.

Anyway, what do you think? Please comment your opinions and vote as usual.

Thanks :)

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