Journey's Beginning

442 10 8

Song: I Found by Amber Run


After I agreed to help them, Allanon and I just simply looked at each other for a moment before I spoke up.

"So how were you able to contact me while we were on the plane if you hadn't even met me yet?" I questioned.

"Goddesses and their reincarnations all have a soulmate to help them navigate through life and protect them at all costs because of how rare they are, which means I can contact you no matter where you are," he explained.

We walked back, from the sanctuary, to Arborlon where Wil and Amberle were waiting for us. Allanon steps in front of me and nods, as to say that I've agreed to help them.

"I don't know how to use or control any abilities yet, since I just found out I have them. I don't know how I'm going to be of any help to you, but I'll still try," I stated, my voice booming throughout the entire room.

"Your powers may surface when you or someone you care about is in danger or pain," Allanon explains.

Wil and Amberle speak with him for awhile before seeming to come to a decision. Allanon thinks it best to split up: Wil and Amberle, and him and I, to begin our journey.

They saddle up their brown horses and depart quickly from Arborlon to get a head start. Allanon and I begin to prepare and gather our gear into the saddlebags for when we decide to leave.

We agreed to leave in the morning, as dusk was already upon us and we didn't want to willingly put ourselves in danger.

He suggested that we share a room so that we don't disturb anyone by making noise in the morning and walking the halls, trying to find each other.

Settling in for the night, we undressed almost completely and faced away from each other, back to back, in the large bed. I began thinking of what he said about us being meant for each other and soulmates. Suddenly, I began to feel an unfamiliar urge to reach out and touch him. Turning over and putting one arm under the pillow, I placed the other arm around him. His radiating warmth was comfortable, but I moved my hand quickly away as he stirred. He turned to face me, still with a straight face, but it faded into a small, caring smile.

"What are you doing, Astraea?" He softly questioned.

"I can sense your emotions, which means I know how you feel about me," I stared into his eyes and he looked nervous.

Lips were suddenly on mine and I melted into them, shifting softly like they were shaped to match his. I backed away and looked at him, mouth agape. He took this as a chance to cause a spark by quickly continuing the kiss, but slipping in his tongue. We began to fight for dominance and, after awhile, I gave up and melted into him once again.

When it became more intense, he leaned over so that he was above me, pressing his whole body down to deepen the kiss. I moved him back down onto the bed and he gave a sly smile, thinking he knew what was coming.

This was all the more arousing, as I could feel everything he was feeling.

Crawling on top of him, straddling his waist, I began slowly rocking back and forth as our lips hovered over one another's, causing him to moan. I grinned at the sound, but not wanting to go any further on the first night of knowing each other, we agreed that when we grew tired of all the touching, we would rest until morning.

Daughter of Shannara [An Allanon Fanfic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant