Finding the Codex

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Song: You & I by Rhodes


When we awoke, Allanon and I exchanged smiles, got dressed, and prepared ourselves. We then made our way into the barn, put the saddles on our duo of black horses, and made our way out into the wilderness.

"This won't be a short journey," he spoke up after several minutes of us both cantering on our horses.

"I know," I said softly.

We continued to ride our horses and made our way to a sandy landscape.

"We're here," he muttered.

Walking into the open room, he looked around for something. My face began heating up as his eyes scanned the room and then my body as he searched. He broke his gaze and continued to search the room and stopped when he saw glowing orange markings etched into the concrete wall.

"Astraea, do you believe?" He asked before raising his arms toward the wall.

"Of course I do, I'm a witch aren't I?" I joked.

Papers flew around us. I've always believed in the supernatural. Witchy things were always around me growing up because I was very into nature and animals when I was young. I loved learning about the Earth and how the different pagan religions worshipped her, from the Vikings to the Witches of Salem. Witchcraft was always very natural feeling to me when I was learning about it. I always tried to incorporate the teachings into my life with crystals, runes, and symbols.

I turned my attention back to him and saw a glowing orange light traced around the lettering. Flying past us, the slab of the concrete wall crashed into the ground and broke apart.

Allanon turned and reached his hands into the empty space behind where the slab previously was. He pulled out a book and I could feel his relief and happiness.

Turning to me, he smiled lightly. I walked over to him and left a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm happy that you're happy," I smiled sweetly at him.

"We need to leave soon," he whispered in his deep tone.

"But... not yet?" I whispered in return, placing my finger on his chest and tracing down.

I felt a wave of heat rush over me, but it wasn't the kind felt when aroused. This feeling, it was different, more pronounced. As soon as I felt it, I could feel it disappear from my body. A beam of flames and light streamed out of my hand that was to my side and engulfed his hand in flames.

"Allanon!" I yelled as he went to the ground, attempting to put it out.

He struggled to put out the blaze on his limb and before I knew it, a flow of water rushed out of the same hand the flames came out of and put out the fire. His hand was scorched, so I went to grab it gently. He swatted his hand away, making him wince in pain.

"Allanon, let me see it," I gestured my hand to his burned one.

He let me, but not without turning away. It was too painful for him to look at. Hovering my hand over his damaged one, his hand slowly became engulfed in a lavender beam of light. The light disappeared and his hand looked completely healed.

"How many powers do I have? That's already four," I panted, exhausted, as he and I both fell to the ground.

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