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The real asset is this ability to create impact with people to be able to spell, influence, communicate, and control the dynamic of any interaction.
This is one skeleton key of human dynamics, is always able to turn the fortunes around and make big things happen whenever needed.

The one trait celebrities have that the whole world wants...............

How do we become someone people take notice of and listen to within the first 5 minutes if us walking into a room. This is such a crucial skill.

Our personality has to go a long way in a short space of time, which is why in any way initial 5 min we have to nail it.

The six secrets anyone must master to have MASSIVE IMPACT in the first 5 minutes.

1.] Be Prepared.

2.] Be a Master of the Conversational "Sleight of hand".

3.] Learn how to be an "Emotional Conductor" (And become impervious to insults, criticism and mockery).

4.] Adopt a value - Delivering mind set (and let others praise you for it).

5.] Being a Master Storyteller

6.] Be Empathetic & Show Appreciation to Others.

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