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Grayson's pov-

Hey, I'm Grayson Bailey. And today is a great day because I'm moving to new jersey. Because I'm gay, my relationship with my dad in los Angeles has faded. He hates me now.


We pull into our driveway, and my jaw dropped at the size of our new house. " Mom, this is huge!" I tell her, " I know I got sick of living in a small house" we walked to the front door and she unlocked it. As soon as we got to the living room, I launched all my pink luggage on the couch, and ran upstairs. There was this big ass room, and the walls were already hot pink." I call dibs on this room mom!" I yelled " okay honey, get some rest you have to got to school tomorrow! " she yelled back." Okay!" And with that I took a shower and went to bed.

Ethan's pov-

I had just got out of football practice, and I was hungry. I said goodbye to all of my friends and waited for all of them to leave. When all of them were gone, I hopped in my car and drove down the main trail so I can go to my usual hunting spot . On the corner of the trail there was a moving truck in front of a decent sized house, "ugh, new neighbours" I growled, considering that me and my parents lived 2miles deep in the woods behind it and out last neighbors were really pound and obnoxious. About a minute later I pulled into my driveway, I grabbed my hunting gear and headed back to my car.

(Skip hunt)

When I got in the house my mom greeted me with a warm smile." Hey ma"I said "hey honey, um... I just wanted to inform you that the new neighbours son will be going to school with you. He is gay, so can you tell your friends to be nice to him?" She ask "um.. I'll try" and with that I went to my room for the rest of the night. But before I went to sleep, a kept thinking, "new boy huh?" and with that thought I went to sleep.

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