Chapter 9

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She went with them everywhere and Kit started losing her mind. Jessica was always talking about how her boyfriend played Call of Warfare and Modern Sniper 3. She'd always say how much of a gamer girl she was and how she played so much Nuclear 4 and Blockworld. She was such a bimbo. In Outdoor Recreation, she'd never want to do anything because of her nails.

She slowly drew closer to Shawn. She would hold his hand and walk with him to class and make him laugh. It got to the point where Shawn wouldn't spend any time with the boys and Kit. Instead of walking with them, he'd walk with Jess near them. The more Kit saw her touch Shawn, the more it pissed her off. They were sitting next to each other all the time and she would touch his arm and tell him how cute he was. He'd always giggle in response or say something back.

"Hey, Kit. Whatcha doin'?" Lee asked, innocently and sat down next to her on a bench. She was staring at Shawn and Jess as they sat against the building. The warmer it got outside, the longer they sat with each other. They were far enough away from Kit so they didn't see her. Lee looked in the direction Kit was looking. "Bitch," he sneered. Kit was about to explode.

"She keeps touching him and talking to him and I want to tell him how much I like him but she's always there and I don't think he likes me any-" Kit paused after the long rant. Lee was smiling with raised eyebrows. "I miss his stupid face," Kit admitted, looking down. She look over at Lee, whose bottom lip was sticking out farther than his top lip, squinting his eyes at Jess.

"I gotchu fam," he said, getting up. Kit watched as Lee walked over to Jess and took off her boujee hat, wiping the smile off her face. Lee ran away with the hat and she slowly followed after, screaming. Kit quickly went over to Shawn as he stood up.

"Shawn," she said, meekly. He turned around and looked at her. His eyes were blue again; whatever was happening to his eyes wasn't doing it anymore. The only problem was he looked spacey and slow. "I want to tell you something." He sat down on the bench and Kit sat next to him. "I miss you being around. Like, I feel sick when I'm not around you, physically sick," Kit confessed. Simultaneously, she felt better getting it off her chest and worse because of the tension in the silence. Shawn just stared at her like she wasn't even there.

"Say something," Kit said, feeling embarrassed.

"B-b-but Jess," he babbled like an idiot. It hurt Kit; really bad. She blinked back tears and stood up to walk away. Will was running towards them with a slab of wood in his hands and Shawn stood up to face him. Will swung and hit Shawn in the face with a piece of wood. Shawn fell to the ground and Will walked over to Kit, handing her the piece of wood.

It was a piece of driftwood with foreign-looking inscriptions on it. It looked like it was in some strange language.

"I found this sticking out of Jessica's bag," Will said, slightly out of breath and Kit looked at him.

"I have no idea what this says," Kit said and Will nodded.

"I think she put a hex on Shawn," Will said and Kit thought she got it.

"And the only way to break the spell was to hit him with the spell itself!" Kit said, attempting to understand what was going on. When in actuality, she had no idea what Will was talking about. Kit thought, at that point, she was losing her mind. Will shrugged.

"No, I just really wanted to hit him," Will said, smiling. Kit looked down at the wood. She flipped it upside down to try to read it; no luck. This was in no language that she knew how to read.

"Should we confront Jess about this?" Kit asked. Will grabbed the hex from her hands.

"No! I'll just put it back," he said, meekly. He began to walk away.

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