Chapter 2; DM

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liambianchi: hey, who camilia mendes?

darcycurtis: firstly it's camila
darcycurtis: secondly, you're kidding, right?

liambianchi: no, who is she?

darcycurtis: have you been living under a rock?
darcycurtis: camila mendes is one of the biggest celebs rn
darcycurtis: she plays veronica lodge on the show riverdale

liambianchi: well, that explains the verification and the 6.4 million followers.

darcycurtis: she followed you

liambianchi: no shit sherlock

darcycurtis: have you talked to her?
darcycurtis: or followed her back?

liambianchi: no
liambianchi: should I?

darcycurtis: that's like asking if a million dollars is a lot of money
darcycurtis: of course you should

liambianchi: which one first?

darcycurtis: follow then DM

liambianchi: what should I say?

darcycurtis: idk...SAY "HELLO" YOU DUFUS!
darcycurtis: see where it goes from there

liambianchi: okay

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