Chapter 1 (The Game Begins....)

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     After falling asleep from playing this fps game, I heard an engine sound and a bit of ringing sound. After waking up and looking at the window I realize that I am on a plane. My friend is also in the plane sleeping while sitting down across me. I then heard a voice telling us (a total of 100 passangers inside the plane): "You are on an evacuated island nearby Chernobyl. There are no more people inhabit this island. there are guns, ammos, equipments, and medical supplies located randomly on random lacations on this island. Now you all have to kill each other in order to leave this island. Only the last surviving person or team will be allowed to leave this island." then Instantly, we were told to be ready to freefall. I immidiately woke up my friend and start to equip ourselves with a parachute nearby. I then noticed that on our hand, we got a map of the whole island we are at. We then start to jump off the plane and our parachute automatically opens when we are nearby to the ground.

     Me and my friend aren't even experienced on handling a gun, but there is an advantage for us. we played a lot of fps games and we enjoyed watching videos of experts shooting and reloading guns on the internet. Due to our disadvantage, We have to find a safe place to hide and to observe the map while finding some weapons to be ready to survive. I then told my friend to quickly go to the nearby abandoned hospital to find some medical supplies and find a weapon if possible. While gathering medical supplies, my friend found a sniper rifle, my friend said "Ok, I will go to that building across the street. I'm not really good at finding a gun, but I do know how to use it in games *laughs*."  While panicking, I then found a Rifle. "It seems that I am really lucky to find a gun. This gun seems to be an AKM, I still remember seeing how experts use this gun a few days ago on the internet", I thought. Soon after gathering supplies and stuying the map, I heard footsteps approuching us and an aggrisive voice "HEY DUDE WHERE ARE YOU? STOP HIDING COME ON GET OUT AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN! ". With a little fear, I started to run. Conviniently, there is a UAZ nearby. Good thing that I know how to drive. I found a starting cable in a garage nearby. After a few minutes of starting the UAZ, the UAZ started and a really loud engine sound started. After knowing that the enemy will approach me after hearing the engine sound, I shut it down. We were ready to fight due to the adrenaline rush. But first I have to distract the enemy out of the building where he's hiding at. After seconds, I heard footsteps approaching the UAZ. When I look at the rear mirror, A group of 4 unfamiliar faces approaches the UAZ. Out of fear, I then start the UAZ and drive it away. The enemies then chase me with buggies.Trying to shoot the tires. I then shout to my friend to be ready to aim with the sniper rifle he found. My friend replied "ok" and he put the sniper rifle on the window, finding a good angle at the enemies. When my friend saw the buggy driver, he shot them immidiately. "BANG!". The driver is dead, causing the buggy to lose control. But the passenger then quickly take over and quickly parked the buggy. The enemy passenger heard the loud gunshot from the building and starts to shoot my friend. My friend then shoot his sniper rifle again, but it missed. but after shooting again, he succeeded. My friend shot the enemy on the head. 

I then stopped the UAZ and shooting at the buggy chasing me. After shooting for a while, one of my bullets hit the enemy in the chest. It didn't reach the left part where the heart is at. But then he quickly take cover and patch himself with his medkit. I then quickly run towards the enemy. But turns out that the enemy was ready for me, knowing that I am going to charge for him, he shot his gun and one of the enemy's bullet got my shoulder. My friend then aim at the enemy , shoots him, and he died. I then called my friend to come and go to the other nearby building. But then, we start to hear another group of vehicles coming on our direction. My friend tried to patch up my shoulder with the first aid kit, But we are running out of time. So I said "HURRY UP! WE MUST LEAVE NOW! OTHER PEOPLE KNOWS WHERE WE ARE ALREADY!". Unfortunately, when  we were ready to get in the UAZ, we realized that one of our wheels are shot. We tried to find a spare where but there is none.

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