Chapter 2 (The Frying Pan....)

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     Hastily we run away from the area, and try to find place to hide. What a shit, my friend have only 1 ammo left due to the limited ammos. I then asked my friend try to find at least 2 bulletproof vests that will be useful for us to protect ourselves if we encountered another fight.

     I then got an idea to destroy the UAZ, thinking that it will fool the enemies that we died. But my friend took so long to find the vests and the enemies are approaching our loaction. Without much thought I shot that car until it explodes and immidiately run to find my friend. On my way to find my friend, I saw some of the enemies nearby injured, and their teamates are healing them. After I found my friend, he then told me that actually he hasn't found any vests but he founded some grenades. So we then decided to hide in the building that we went to before and find some better guns from the corpses of the enemies that we shot to dead before.

     In the middle of searching, my friend found a frying pan and I thought that we better take it, I thought it was stupid to take a frying pan. but actually, it was as hard as concrete. The groups of enemies that already know that we were hiding, searches for us. We then quickly run and search for a small room without windows to hide in. Then we turn of all the light of the building. When we were hiding, we heard footsteps of the enemy opening door to door trying to find us, but then we were ready for them. My friend to hides in a corner of the room. The footsteps of the enemies are getting closer and closer, the door opened. we then immidiately shoot. We luckily shot the enemy in the head, and of course he died. we then quickly close the door.

     Because of our loud gunshots, the enemies heard it. So the enemies quickly ran outside of our room. Knowing that we might not survive this point, I gave a sign to my friend to open the door and I will prefire, shooting the enemy. My friend quickly opens the door and we are shooting on each other with the enemy. The enemy shot my arm. But turns out that my bullets only got the enemy's legs, the enemy survived the shots, but he is crippled now. He then raises his gun trying to shoot me but I hit him with my frying pan, then he died. Me and my friend laughed at him dying to a frying pan of course. My friend then quickly patch my arm with the bandage. Then I ask my friend to find better weapons. I already heard gunshots from other enemies nearby the buildings. I quickly run away and take the nearby  guns  from the dead enemy we just killed. We went outside the building  to find a vehicle nearby in order to go to the safe zone. luckily there is a motorcycle that is used by the enemy we killed before.

     I can't drive motorcycles, but my friend knows how to. So he drives it. Before getting on the motorcycle, I saw a motorcycle chasing us in a distance. I tried shooting them but some of the bullet missed and then the last bullet the enemy who sits behind the one who drives the motorcycle. Then the bullet of the driver's shoots his gun and it hits our tire. We then have to get out from the area. My friend throws his gun to me, then I shoot the driver. Luckily, the bullets hits the fuel tank and the motorcycle exploded and the enemies died of the explosion. Me and my friend are impressed of how lucky we are today.

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