Chapter 2

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"Can you stay for a little bit?" She requested. That look in her eyes, she needed someone. She probably called me over because i may have that look in my eyes as well.

"What do you need?" I asked, pretending I didn't  know what she needed. She looked at me and blushed. She was starting panic a little but I have to admit. 

"I-I am, w-well, I-I mean, or um." She continued to stutter for about a minute, and then I putt my hand on her shoulder. She flinched.

"You need someone to talk to?" she nodded "I will talk after my shift it ends, it ends in 15 minutes I will be right back okay?" she nodded again.  Harmony's face was very red. When I walked back Tyler went up to me and said "You said you weren't interested?" He looked at me with a smirk. 

"Ya, I'm not interested, but, I think she is."

"What about when your shift ends? Huh? Going to talk to her?" He raised his eyebrows up and down a couple times.

"Well I can't let the interfere with my shift. I mean, all she could get out was gibberish. I can't just leave her I want to know what she wanted." I told Tyler. I knew he didn't believe me one hundred percent. 

"Curiosity killed the cat!" Tyler exclaimed causing some people to stare.

"And satisfaction saved it." I said back 

"whatever," he told me. 

I finished up my shift, changed into my normal clothes in the break room and looked at myself in the mirror. I chuckled to myself there I was a girl with rose pink hair, hazel eyes, light pink sweatshirt, and shorts. Afraid of transforming so avoided people, but, right after this shift she would have a real interaction with someone for the first time in 12 years. Talking to Tyler didn't count since she worked with him. There I am about to do the thing I feared most. I knew this conversation would probably change my life forever. 

I walked out of the employ's room. Bum BUm buM. My heart is inside my ear. Beating faster with each foot step. I sat down next to her. She looked up from her computer before I got to say anything. 

"So, Harmony. What did you want to tell me?" I asked her.  I was actually terrified. She straitened up and looked at me. Her expression was not shy or happy. It was serious. 

"I know about your secret. I am the same as you except I transform into something different." The softness of her voice had completely departed. It was firm and strong, all stutter had departed from her voice. She knew... SHe KNew... SHE KNEW...... 


"Calm down or you will transform. You are not trained to detect others but I am. I felt another presence and I just had to check it out. That's when I came here. I wanted, no, was curious to see who it was and how they behaved. You isolate yourself which is not suspicious considering  that is normal now. Or semi normal. I figured out that you like cute things do I tried to be cute so you would come back and listen. I needed to congratulate you on not transforming in 11, sorry, 12 years. You have controlled your emotions, well I'm debating if it really counts since you have been avoiding people since, well for these 12 years since you first transformed."  She explained.

I was dumbfounded. "I can't, I-I, ummm, I need time to process all of this information. I assume you will find me when I am ready for a response." 

"Yes, I will"

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