Chapter 3

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Walking home, hands in pockets, I couldn't believe it.  So many questions were reeling through my head. Were there more than us? What happened to my group? I remember them. They were all my age but most weren't strong enough to survive the experiment. The rest went crazy and then there's me. That's right I remember, no. It's some of my memory, but some is not mine. Maybe its Harmony's. She probably transferred it when she grabbed my hand. The factory, or lab, or whatever you want to call it, it was much bigger than I thought it was. I was never allowed past the second floor so I thought there was only a third floor and that was it. But, no I was WAY wrong. I don't know how I could have missed it.

It was absolutely huge. I would estimate it was about 50 stories tall! Probably more but, I gave up on counting.  I looked around, it was the same scenery. Plastic real looking plant, and a very closed off fence to keep us wondering what was out there but, to remember that it was dangerous.  They told us so many lies. They told us that to much exposure would get us killed. Well, I am still alive aren't I? 

Immediately I wanted to go to my old group. I didn't care if we were infants or being tested, I'd do anything to see their sweet smiles again. The way when their smiles lit up the room, no matter where we were, whatever was happening, if anyone of them smiled we all couldn't help smiling. I wish we didn't get separated...

I walked straight into the bleak building. The white walls with grey outlining didn't make it very welcoming, but, it was all I have ever known.  Scientists crowed the hallways to preoccupied by whatever they were doing to notice me. After looping around what felt like 100 scientists I got to my room. The room number 318, I will never forget this room. 

Slowly opening the door handle, I was anxious to see what awaited me in my old room. Once the door was opened I was shocked at what I saw. They were all dead. ALL OF THEM. They wrote with their blood on the walls "Save Rose". It looked more like "sAvE rOsE". Shocked and consumed in terror I fell to the floor. It wasn't long before I felt myself changing. 

Suddenly the door opened. And there was Harmony, looking down at the mess I was in this moment. She wore a coat like the one the scientists wore, but, the attire of those being tested "WhY wOuLd YoU sHoW mE tHiS?!?!?" I managed to choke out. I screamed it as loud as I could.  She said nothing as her eyes widened in terror. She had the same expression I did when I saw my friends in their current state. She ran to them and picked them up in her arms. She read their message aloud, she hugged them crying, almost sobbing, and almost transforming. Harmony managed to say "When I find her, I will save her and I will avenge your deaths!!!!" Her words were almost drowned by her tears and sobs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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