Life Updates

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            Wow, Hey there. Long time, No see. I've been so freaking busy, I actually forgot I had a wattpad for a while. 

                       So after the whole Carlee thang, I realized he was a fuckboy who only wanted nudes. I ran into this guy, Mike. He was defiantly a fuckboy, he didn't really want nudes and shit, but he had multiple girlfriends, he was talking to multiple girls at the time he was talking to me, which I didn't know about. Before you guys say why didn't you just stop talking to him, well, he told me he stopped talking to them. All of my friends did not believe that, and they told me that, I however did not believe them. So this went on for a while, and I finally started to believe my friends, I hurt so much because of him. Until one day, I was texting my bestfriend, Andrew, and he confessed that he had feelings for me, and shit bro I knew I had feelings for him. He wanted to wait though, because he had recently been cheated on and just needed to recover, a few weeks later we ended up together. I was his first kiss, He was my first love. We were together almost  three months, and he broke up with me and got back with one of his exes, and let me tell you, that really hurt. Most of my friends are mad that we're still really close, I'm not going to met myself lose my best friend, again. 

                    I made a few friends, I've had a pretty crappy year so far.

             Hope you all have a good year,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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