You had a bad day ( Connor , Ricky & Sam )

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Connor : You just got fired from your job for no reason ! your boss decided 'oh i need less people here !' and fired you it was the worse day ever ! when you went home you saw Connor watching TV "Hey (y/n) how are you ?" Connor said smiling " I just got fired for no freaking reason !" you yelled and took your anger out on the coach pillows "Calm down (y/n)...." he said as he hugged me his hugs are the best .

Ricky : " YOUR SOOO MEAN !!!" you shouted at you mom " ITS FAIR !" she shouted back " NO ITS NOT !" it was your brithday and all you got was a necklace from Ricky but not your mom or dad and they gave your brother money !!! Like WTF ! ! You ran out of the house to Ricky's house " Hey...Oh what happened ? come in " You guy cuddled all day after that this was the best yet worst brithday ever.

Sam :
(Based on a True story .)
So your best friend foght with you and mostly insulted all of your celebrity Crushes and your favourite show ... You went to Sam's House hoping that he will comfort you . *knock knock* within a few seconds Sam Opened to door " Yesh ?" he said with a funny face you did not laugh usally you would but you were to pissed off with your friend " Is this too usual or are you tired of seeing this ?" Sam asked " No Sam I love your funny Faces and Funny accents to open the door ... But its just (b/f/n) and I foght and I am pissed off right now ..." you replied looking down to the ground "I knew somthing was wrong when you did not laugh cause usally you do ...." Sam hugged you and contined " I'll make you feel better " Sam Smiled and you guys watched funny comedy and stuff .


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