2.Dark Place

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I woke up with a pounding headache.  I open my eyes, no light accept for what is leaking from under the door across from me. I start to just think of what happen in the shop. I start to think of Justin and how he risked his life for me and we only just met at the begging of the school year. I tear up just thinking of him just laying there on the ground after getting shot. I gather myself and I go to wipe my eyes with my hand but it won't budge. "What the hell?" I say under my breath. I look to see I'm sitting on what seems to be a dirt floor of a basement. My hand are chained at my sides to the wall behind me. I try to get my hands free but no use. All of a sudden I hear the sound of locks unlocking and the door starts to open. I immediately close my eyes pretending to be sleeping and also because I'm afraid of what I might see. My kidnappers were pretty scary but the one I feared the most was the tall dark haired one in the suit. They both remind me of two of my favorite youtubers. Oh shit! Than it hit me I remember who they are now! Dark and Anti! I'm fucked!

My thoughts are cut of by a deep deep evil sounding chuckle I forgot someone came into the room. "Kitten I know your awake. Now open those beautiful eyes so I can look at them." Said a deep voice I'm guessing it's Dark. I very slowly open my eyes acting like I just woke up. "You really are bad at acting." Said a much higher pitch voice with a giggle to match. I look over at the door to see the other one walk in Anti I'm guessing. "Wow she's a smart one Dark!" said Anti. I finally work up the courage to say something "w-where am I?" Just more dark laughter to follow. "Welcome to your dark place!" Anti said sounding a little to happy."Well Kitten" I cut Dark off " d-don't call me t-that!" Oh god big mistake! "Oh your gonna regret that!" Anti says leaving after with the door open just a crack. Dark goes over to a little bench in the corner and grabs something that the light from the door reflects off of. A knife! He starts to walk over to me. I try to get as close to the wall as I can afraid of what will happen next. Soon he is right in front of me and he crouches down so we are at the same level and only inches apart. "You know what kitten" he pauses bring the knife up to my face. "Your gonna have to learn some manners but" yet another pause this time I look in his dark almost black eyes and I see them slowly look down towards my chest the knife following his gaze. He brings the knife to my collarbone digging it in a little just enough to make it bleed and sting like hell. "We're going to have some fun." He says cutting down more. He then stands up walks over to the bench and puts the knife back down. He walks over to the door walking out but stops turning his head to the side and looks my way. "Until then sleep well Kitten" he says this with a evil smile, snaps his fingers, then walks out and locking the door. I start to cry form the pain on my collarbone. Than everything starts fades to black and I fall asleep.

A/N hey you guys sorry it took me a while had Writer's block. Also wasn't home so i didn't have WiFi to post my update. Sorry it's as long as the last chapter. I will see you in the next chapter buh bye!

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