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I ended up waking up still in Dark's arms. In my clothes from last night. I'm just happy that I didn't run into Anti again, last night was awful. I look over at the alarm clock on my nightstand and see that it is 4:00 a.m. well, I should probably get up and use the bathroom maybe make a snack after and try just try to go back to bed. maybe go on the couch so I don't wake up Dark.

After I go to the bathroom and wash my hands I look in the mirror to fix my hair and I have huge bags under my eyes. I go into the kitchen and see Anti standing there and I freeze still scared of him especially after what happened last night thank god dark was there I would probably be dead. I go to step back to head upstairs to get away when suddenly there was a creak in the floorboards and I froze. Anti turned around and my heart dropped. "Kat? why are you downstairs this early in the morning?" he looked at me with raised eyebrows...and wiped a tear away from his eye? "I h-had to use the bathroom and I figured I would get a s-snack and try to get back to sleep. I was going to sleep on the couch so I didn't wake up Dark." "He slept with you!?" he said very angrily I jumped back startled by the sudden yelling coming form him. "Anti quiet down he is still asleep." He rushes past me and headed to my bedroom I followed after to make sure he wouldn't hurt Dark. I walk in to see a confused Dark in boxers standing against the wall with Anti holding a knife to Dark's neck screaming. Dark looks at Anti half asleep, and rather calmly says "Anti you scared her last night, I was only making sure Kat was ok." "Stop both of you." No one hears me and they carry on yelling. I start to cry when they mention my dad and sister."STOP BOTH OF YOU!" They both stare at me in shock Anti backs away from Dark knife in hand. Anti walks out while staring at me and Dark he comes towards me with open arms ready to hug me. I hold up one hand and to the side of me still crying. "Please just go. I need to be alone" I whisper hoping he will hear. He did, because he soon walked out after giving me a small kiss on the cheek. I lay down on my bed trying to calm down I end up falling asleep

*time skip brought to you by Markiplier's nudes*

"Kat...Kat...Wake up?" I heard a voice whisper a slowly open my eyes to see Anti standing there. "what do you want Anti?" I said as I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "I have something for us to do." He says as he gets up and walks towards the door. "Wait what is it?" I say reaching my hand out. "Just go into the bathroom and change. A outfit I picked out for you is by the sink. "Ok Anti. I have one question though." Anti looks at me and raises his brows. "Is the outfit gonna make me look..." I trail off and raise my brows showing I'm serious "is it gonna make me look like a so it?" Anti's face softens "oh...not at all it just depends on how you wear it." "Oh ok." With that said he leave the room. I get up and head to the bathroom on my way there I grab my make up bag. I walk in and go to the bathroom than look at the outfit Anti gave me.

 I walk in and go to the bathroom than look at the outfit Anti gave me

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I was in shock. Wow, Anti has good taste! I put on the clothes and sneaker instead of heels and put some winged eyeliner on, threw my hair in a bun, and left the bathroom. I went to the living room like I was told. When I walked in nobody was there not even Dark so I sat on the couch waiting for whatever Anti had planned. I sat there waiting for at least 10 minutes. The front door started to open so I turned that way to find Anti wearing all black, looking just like Jack no cut on his neck and dark brown hair and he was holding two knives. I get up and back up away from him "Don't worry Kat these aren't for you. We are going on a little field trip." he says this and hands me a knife. 

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