🌙Chapter 2 ~ Labyrinth🌙

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Walking into the church both Beatrice and Trevor looked around to find an opening

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Walking into the church both Beatrice and Trevor looked around to find an opening. "Why didn't you tell me that you knew the Speakers? Also why did you hide your face if you grew up with them." Trevor asked. Beatrice stopped dead in her tracks, staring emotionless at Trevor.

"Because I haven't seen them in over 12 years, that's all I wish to say." She said as she kept on walking, but Trevor didn't move.

"What's with you in having all these secrets? Is there something you're hiding or something you did-" But before Trevor could finish, he came face to face with a furious and annoyance look on Beatrice's face.

"Look, I don't like talking about my past, I would rather keep in buried down in the past where it should be." Than she held the long sharp dark gray blade close against Trevor's neck, and growled. "Ask me about my past one more time and I'll gut you like an animal without hesitation." Trevor's eyes widen with surprised. She knew he got the message, pulling the blade away, and continued walking toward the church yard.

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Once they made it toward the church yard, it was usually quiet. Walking toward one of the grave sites, Trevor pushed open the door as a low creak echoed through the stone walls. Beatrice looked at the wall and smirked as she moved to one side. "Abstract art." She said. Trevor moved over to where she was and saw what she meant.

"Ladies first." He said gesturing to the wall. Beatrice had no trouble climbing up the stone carved wall, climbed into the hole with ease. She slided down the dark tunnel till she hit the end. Trevor slided down as well. The stone hallway was quiet with a whispering down of water dripping down. Trevor looked over at one of the torches, grabbed it, and smelled it. "Fresh oil."

"Why would there be fresh oil in an empty dark catacombs?" Beatrice asked.

"Well, it seems we'll find the answer down there." He said pointing to the rest of the path. Trevor took our his knife, scraping it against the wall, lighting the torch, bring light into the tunnel. "Anybody home?" He said, Beatrice rolled her eyes as the both of them continued walking deeper into the catacombs.

Suddenly, Beatrice's eyes landed on a pipe. She walked over to it, knocking on it. "Warm. Why is there a pipe doing here?" Before Trevor could answer a rustling noise echoed as both of them took out their weapons and walked toward it.

They walked down more stairs. "I can hear you." Trevor said, trying to be funny. "I'm armed, and a lot less happy than you are...so you want to say well out of my way."

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