Chapter 1

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The next day after the awkward meeting with Jared at the bar I was still thinking about him. My dad would kill me if he ever found out about me going to a bar. I had to get out of the house for a while one afternoon and went to the local park and read a book. I was sitting at a picnic table and Jared walked up out of nowhere and sat down. J"Hello" He smiled and rubbed my hand. I flinched and he giggled. J "I forgot you are a little virgin." Me "Youre a prick." I started to walk off when he grabbed my arm. J "that was uncalled for Im really sorry." Me"whatever" J"please let me take you to lunch." Me "I really cant." I walked off and went back home. My dad would disaprove of him. I know. I walked in and my dad walked over to me. D"One of the neighbors said you were at the bar last night." He slapped me as hard as he could and started yelling at me. D"Do you want to go to hell?" Me "no,dad" He hit me again this time harder with his fist. D"I think you do." He grabbed my arms as hard as he could and started shaking me. D"This is what I have to do. I have to teach you." He slammed me against the wall and I went to my room. How much more of this would I take before he kills me or I kill him? It was way too much. I wanted out. I had large bruises on my arms and back and a bruised eye. The next day I had snuck out again and as soon as I walked in I saw Jared. He walked over to me and I turned around and walked out. He followed me and asked me "why are you being so difficult?" I didnt want him to see my eye but I turned around anyway. J"my god, Taylor! Your eye what happened?" Me "I fell its no big deal." Jared knew that was a lie. J"listen I heard from a few people around here that your dad is really mean to you. If he did that get out of that situation... Do you want to go to the park and talk?" I nodded and we started walking. I opened up a little more to him. Me "my dad isnt mean to me.. He just wants me to be a good girl. He doesnt want me being like all of those girls who have sex with guys before marriage and dress slutty." J "you are brainwashed." I just looked down and realized he was right. I just started crying. J"Im sorry. I really didnt mean to make you cry!" I shook my head and said "Thats not it at all, Jared. My dad beats me, he is so abusive. But I am stuck." He hugged me and I started to pull away and he hugged tighter. J"I will help you."

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