Chapter 5

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After about a week of being in LA I started to fall in love with it. There were so many different types of people here. One afternoon Jared got done early at the studio. He came home and said "How about we go to the beach?" Me "I have never been! Yes lets go!" We drove to the beach and laid out on our beach towels. He looked over at me and said "you are so beautiful." I blushed and he leaned over and kissed me. Maybe I didnt miss my chance. Me "Lets go swimming!" We ran to the water and jumped around splashing each other. People probably thought we were crazy but I didnt care. I wasnt living in fear anymore and I was actaully happy for the first time ever. Jared grabbed my waist and started kissing me in the water. We got home later that night and I went to my bathroom and showered. I got in bed and Jared walked in. J"come to my room." Me "Why?" J"I want to cuddle." He did his pouty lip and I couldnt resist. I got up and we laid down in his bed. He put his arm around me and his head on my chest. Me "I dont feel good enough for you, Jared." J"Why would you think that?" Me "I am some small town girl and you are this rock star and actor. You could have anyone you wanted." He propped his chin up on my chest and looked in my eyes. J"I dont care where you are from or what has happened in the past. You are good enough for me. I couldnt find anyone else like you if I tried. All girls just throw themselves at me and I get it and thats it. I want something real and I know I can have that with you." That melted my heart. He got on top of me and started kissing me. I looked into his perfect eyes and said "Im ready" He knew what I meant and took off my shirt and started kissing my breasts. I had never been kissed there before but I loved it. I started playing with his hair and his lips moved up to my neck. He pulled off my panties and he pulled off his shirt and his pants. I was so scared. I knew this would hurt. He eased inside of me and my body was tense. J"dont tense up, baby." He pulled my legs apart and I started to relax. It hurt really bad at first but the pain wasnt as bad a few minutes in. He was going slow and easy. He got down by my ear and I could hear him moaning. I started to moan from the pain and pleasure he was giving me. He sped up a little and I felt this amazing feeling all inside of me. That must have been an orgasm. It felt so good and I threw my head back and moaned loud. He finished up and he rode me out. After we were done he laid beside me and looked at me. Me "whats wrong?" J"nothing. Im just happy." He kissed me and he said "by the way I made you cum hard." Me "how do you know?" J "I could just tell." We fell asleep together and I had no regrets about my first tme.

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