An Unexpected Introduction

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Song: Fire and the Flood by Vance Joy


During my lunch break from the mall food court, I decided to shop in a couple of the surrounding stores. Walking into Hot Topic, I see all of the shirt designs blanketing the dark, brick walls and felt a sense of calm come over me. I always felt comfortable here, around people that liked the same things as me, whether that be music, movies, or books.

As I was shuffling through the clothing racks, "Fire and the Flood" by Vance Joy played throughout the store. A tall, thin silhouette appeared in my peripheral view as they walked into the store. Soon after, I felt a presence next to me. Turning to my right, my eyes meet with someone's chest. I look up and my eyes come in contact with those of Austin Butler. The orbs of bright blue peer back at me and I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"Astraea Deutsch?" He questioned.

"Uh, yeah. How do you know my name?" I asked, completely confused.

"I need you to follow me, it's very important," he sounded impatient.

Knowing who he was and that he wasn't dangerous, I nodded and walked hurriedly behind him. Several people glared at us as we quickly made our way through the mall. We made it out to his car and hopped in.

"I have to tell you a few things and it's essential that you listen carefully and stay calm," he said while staring at me with a straight face.

"O-Okay," was all I could muster.

"Okay, Astraea, my real name isn't Austin. It's only a cover up so that we can hide what's really going on and to make sure the public is safe," he was sounding crazier with each breath. "My real name is Wil Ohmsford, the world of Shannara is real, and you are destined to be a part of it," he finished.

All I could do was stare at him, stunned.

"Astraea?" He gently put a hand on my shoulder, making sure I wouldn't pass out from shock.

"Y-Yea. I'm fine. That's just... a lot to take in," I slowly spoke.

"I've been sent by Allanon to come find you and bring you to Arborlon. He will fill you in on everything else going on," he informed.

"What about my life here? What about my parents?" I asked, worried if I'd be able to say goodbye.

"We have to go now or else we might not make it in time," he said sadly, "I know it's tough, but we have to go."

I gave him a quick nod and we went on our way. We arrived to the Orlando International Airport and boarded the plane to Iceland. Apparently, where they "filmed" the Shannara Chronicles wasn't in Canada after all, it was real and isolated on the land mass of Iceland.

"Prepare yourself," I heard a familiar voice in my head. I couldn't put my finger on who it was, but I felt a deep and instant connection with them. As the plane took off from the ground, my eyes slowly closed and I fell into a deep slumber.

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