Chapter 8: Garden Party

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Chapter 8: Garden Party

         When awakened by a cold breeze from her window, Aqi realized that her blanket was no longer covering her body. She could feel the presence of another being in the room and it was too late to reach for the blanket for the weight of a human crushed her stomach. “Ah, whatever sibling you are, I'll kill you,” Aqi called out, trying to breathe underneath the weight.

         “Oh, be quiet I let you sleep in; you should be happy,” Qiri informed, playing with the skirt she was holding. Turning to the side and laying it on Aqi to see how far it reached, not wanting to dress her sister in something revealing. “This is cute, now I need to find a top to match it.” she said to herself while getting off of the younger girl, letting her breathe in what she now found to be precious oxygen.

         “You know waking me up and having me stand to check that would have involved less pain,” Aqi stated, standing up and rubbing her sore stomach.

         “Less pain? Well that doesn't sound like much fun,” the older girl responded from the doorway. “Shower; I'll be back,” she ordered before exiting into the hallway, walking to her room to find more clothing. Aqi was feeling groggy as she stepped into her bathroom. She turned on the water and switched the faucet to shower. Mumbling to herself about nonsense in the garden she stepped into the shower only to realize that she was still dressed.

         “Hey Aqi, do you prefer black or white?” Qiri asked upon entering the bathroom while holding the shirts that she felt went with the skirt. Shocked at the sight before her, she took another step into the room to examine the clothing on the floor. “Why are your pajamas soaked?” she asked, forgetting about the outfit in her hands.

         “Because, I thought they needed a bath as well,” Aqi called out from behind the shower curtain. “Are the shirts plain or do they come with a design?” she asked concerned with what horror she would have to endure on her body.

         “I'll just wait for you to see them,” Qiri stated, backing out of the bathroom to sit on Aqi's bed. The room becoming quiet without the sound of running water, it wasn't long before Aqi walked into the room with a towel wrapped around her as she glared at her sister. Still tired despite the fact that she was just sprayed with water, she laid down on her bed and continued her angry stare. “You smell nice,” Qiri commented, looked down at the quite scary little girl.

         “I would hope so, I did use soap, and it happens to be scented,” Aqi stated the facts and reached for the darker of the two shirts in her sisters hands. “Give me,” she commanded lazily when Qiri stood up and moved away from her, taking the shirts with her. Aqi reached out to the older girl while continuously closing and opening her fist in a clasping motion.

         “Are you actually going to wear this?” Qiri questioned, hoping that this time Aqi wouldn't just take the clothing to throw out the window before dressing herself.

         “Does it really look like I'm going to move far enough for other clothes?” she retorted, looking at her sister as if she had been diagnosed with a mental disorder.

         “Just checking,” she said while taking a step forward to hand the shirt over to the younger girl. Qiri rushed over to the door to close it before her shameless sister was seen by any random passerby's who would happen to look into the bedroom. “You should be careful,” she stated, leaning against the now closed door.

         “Careful? Coming from the person who thinks it's more fun if more pain is involved.. I don't really think you have any room to talk,” Aqi informed her sister of her opinion while sliding on the red skirt and trying to figure out the white belt that went with it.

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