Chapter 9: Escape

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Chapter 9: Escape

        Aqi awoke with the sun still having a few hours before it was to come up. In the darkness, she reached underneath her bed to retrieve a backpack to double check the contents inside. Satisfied with the amount of clean clothes, water, and money that she had stored inside, she sealed it and set it on her bed before sitting up and standing to make her way to the open bathroom. Not wanting to risks waking anyone with a shower, she turned on the sink faucet and wetting her hair she destroyed the style that Qiri had set it in.

        Brushing through it a few times, Aqi was happy with letting it dry naturally for the day. Returning to the bedroom, she looked through her dresser for clean and comfortable clothes to change into. Settling for pants of the denim variety, a gray shirt and a dark blue hoodie, she didn't think she would be seen before escaping. Putting on her black tennis shoes, she tightly secured them to her feet before grabbing her bag and pulling the straps over her shoulders.

        Taking her flashlight from her bedside table, she then exited her room, quietly closing the door behind her after looking down each side of the hallway. Aqi crept down the stairs and easily made her way to the front door where she then proceeded to disabled the security system. Once that task was complete, she walked outside, carefully closing the door behind her and jumping off of the porch behind some bushes to not be seen. She lifted her head to check the open area for the security guards and then she quickly ran across the open yard when she felt it was clear. She hid behind a rather large tree once she had made her way to The Wall.

        Taking a deep breath, she checked around the tree for another 'all clear'. Feeling safe from detection, she ran full speed at the wall, easily lifting a leg up on it and continuously using one leg after the other to propel herself further up it. Nearing the top she almost didn't make it as she leaned in and grabbed the edge, holding on for a quick second before pulling herself up onto it, laying down hoping to not be seen. After having caught her breath, she rolled off of the other side, grasping the edge before letting herself drop to the sidewalk, easily landing on her feet.

        Comfortable being on the ground, Aqi didn't hesitate before running away from there. Keeping a good pace so that she wouldn't get caught by anyone who could have decided to follow her, even though she was sure that she hadn't been seen.


        The sun was rising and Aqi was tired. Running had seemed like a good idea up until this point, she wondered how many hours or even miles that she had run for. Keeping her considerably slow walking pace, she examined the buildings in the city, smiling to herself for making it this far. Even when accompanied by someone, she had never been this deep into the city. It seemed so different with people just waking up for the day and getting ready to actually work for a living.

        At this time not many people were out yet, but it still fascinated Aqi every time a person would walk by. The clothing, even though similar to what she was wearing, seemed so different. She decided to calm down a bit and try to play it cool so that she wouldn't get mugged. Remembering her actual life she didn't find this to actually be possible and dismissed the thought.

        Settling for sitting down on a nearby bench, she took a break from her walking adventures to read the thoughts of those who happened to be in range. She intended to continue practicing in case of a future emergency. Finding that it was a lot easier to just read the minds of those who didn't seem to notice much of anything, she kept her guard up and tried to focus on specifically one person. Taking breaks to ensure good health, she knew that there wasn't anyone around to take care of her. And that's what she wanted.

        Leaning back where she sat, it felt surprisingly comfortable and she soon closed her eyes and drifted into a dreamless and exhausted sleep.

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