Chapter Three

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"You're skirting on thin ice, Liam."

Becca's giving me her infamous look of disapproval, the one where she narrows her eyes at me and her forehead creases just slightly. She looks much different now as opposed to the girl that I had known to be a close friend in high school and college. Her once red hair now a stark blonde, and her eyes once holding a certain sort of brightness now dull and uninteresting. 

I would've gone as far as to call her my best friend at one point in time. Now, I'm not quite sure what I would call her. I've grown to accept my reality and found quickly that she may very well be my only acquaintance for the remainder of my time here. I've adapted to being around her and no longer hold much resentment towards her. 

Some people would call it a form a stockholm syndrome, but I would call it a form of survival. 

"What're you talking about?" I play dumb with her, knowing good and well that she's talking about the conversation that I just had with Miranda. It was idiotic of me to sit in there with Miranda for so long and assume that Becca wouldn't get suspicious. I continue striding towards the car, acting as though there's nothing going on. 

"You were in there too long," Becca grabs my hand roughly and pulls me backwards so that I'm facing her. It amazes me how her eyes can so quickly go from plain and boring to firey and angry. "As soon as you bumped into her you should've gotten out of there. You know good and well what you were doing."

"I couldn't have left," I lie. "She just kept talking to me."

"Don't lie to me," she growls with a menacing squint. "I have eyes Liam. I'm not blind. You know good and well what you have to do when you see someone that you now. I just convinced them to let you out, don't make me decide to put you back in."

"I'm sorry but what'd you want me to do?" I run a hand through my hand out of frustration. "I basically haven't seen anyone other than you for the last ten years. I miss them Becca. I miss them everyday and I'm not allowed to do anything about it."

"You think that makes me feel bad for you?" Becca lets out a slow sort of laugh. "I don't Liam. I don't feel bad for you and I never will. You shouldn't miss them. There isn't anything about any of them that's worthy of being missed."

"But you don't understand-"

"I don't care enough to understand," Becca moves around me and continues moving towards her car. "I'll never understand you just like you'll never understand me. But that's not what matters anymore."

Becca walks swiftly in front of me, quickly opening up the driver's side and eyeing me down until get in the passenger's side. I climb in the car and lean my head down into my hands, feeling the beginning of a headache coming on. 

The last ten years of my life has felt like one big dull moment. The first two years were absolute hell and complete torture. I'm definitely not the same kid I was when they first took me. I was feisty back then, thought that I was unstoppable. Those were the good times, some of the best times of my life. 

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